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Weather is the seventeenth (assuming read left to right) skill in the language tree for Welsh, and it has four lessons. The major words in this unit are related to describing the weather.

Grammar Notes[]

Thar she blows![]

As tywydd is feminine in Welsh, hi (she) is the pronoun used with it.

  • mae hi'n = it is
  • roedd hi'n = it was
  • bydd hi'n = it will be

This or that[]

Welsh does not have separate words for "this" or "that"; Welsh uses roundabout expressions with y...'ma and y...'na respectively.

Lenition, lenition everywhere![]

First, here is a refresher of the consonants affected by lenition (or soft mutation):

  • t->d
  • c->g
  • p->b
  • b->f
  • g is removed
  • d->dd
  • m->f
  • ll->l
  • rh->r

Now, Welsh uses this a lot, as we have already seen. This skill introduces even more examples of this, namely:

  • after rhy: rhy gymylog; and
  • after yn when the next word is an adjective or adverb (and doesn't begin with rh- or ll-): mae hi'n well but mae hi'n rhy wyntog.


Lesson 1[]

  • mae hi'n = she (here, the weather) is
  • bwrw glaw = raining
  • bwrw eira = snowing
  • braf = fine, nice (cannot be affected by soft mutation
  • heulog = sunny
  • oer = cold
  • cymylog = cloudy

Lesson 2[]

  • sych = dry
  • niwlog = foggy
  • wyntog = windy
  • stormus = stormy
  • tywydd = weather (f.)
  • bwrw cesair = hailing

Lesson 3[]

  • gwell = better
  • gwaeth = worse
  • ond = but
  • bydd hi'n = it will be
  • yfory = tomorrow
  • gwlyb = wet
  • twym = hot

Lesson 4[]

  • glaw (trwm) = (heavy) rain
  • diwetha = last
  • diflas = miserable
  • rhy = too
  • roedd hi'n = it was
  • y...'ma = this
  • ddoe = yesterday


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/cy/Weather
