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Revision 5 is the eighty-eighth (assuming read left to right) skill in the Welsh language tree. It contains three lessons that pull together earlier concepts, along with a few new words.

Skill Notes[]

Completing everything up to this skill would be the equivalent of completing Cwrs Sylfaen, the main Welsh course available in Britain.[1]


Lesson 1[]

  • styfnig = stubborn
  • blewog = hairy
  • plentynnaidd = childish
  • gwleidyddol = political
  • teg = fair
  • annheg = unfair

Lesson 2[]

  • rhesynol = reasonable
  • meddylgar = thoughtful
  • doeth = wise
  • llon = cheerful
  • ymosodol = aggressive

Lesson 3[]

  • ffodus = lucky
  • anffodus = unlucky
  • wel, = well,
  • mewn pryd = on time
  • poeth = hot

