Extend 5 is the ninety-second skill (assuming read left to right) in the Welsh language tree. It has four lessons and teaches a few new words and phrases to help round out your vocabulary.
Lesson 1[]
- Cwmbrân = Cwmbrân
- morwr = sailor
- morwyr = sailors
- gyrrwr bws = bus driver
- gyrwyr = drivers
Lesson 2[]
- ymwelwr = visitor
- amgeuddfa = museum
- cyfleus = convenient
Lesson 3[]
- peth = thing
- pethau = things
- gwyllt = wild
- seidr = cider
- cyfforddus = comfortable
- peint = pint
Lesson 4[]
- cynnig = to offer, offer
- cynigion = offers
- llong = ship
- arbennig = special
- porthladd = port
Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/cy/Extend-4