Distance & Size is the seventy-eighth (assuming read left to right) skill in the Welsh language tree. It has five lessons and teaches words related to distance, length, width, depth, and other measurements.
Grammar Notes[]
- Milltir is a feminine noun, so make sure to use dwy, tair, and pedair when using it.
- Troedfedd is only the measurement of a foot (i.e. twelve inches), not the body part. Similarly, stôn is the weight measurement and not a rock.
- Medden nhw is not the action of saying, but rather reporting someone's opinion on something.
Lesson 1[]
- pell = far
- tua = about, approximately
- milltir = mile
- cilometr = kilometer
- i ffwrdd = away
- am wn i = I guess, as far as I know
- medden nhw = they said
- pa mor = how (far, wide, long, etc.)
Lesson 2[]
- enfawr = huge
- troedfedd = foot
- modfedd = inch
- hyd = length
- lled = width
- trwch = thickness
- uchder = altitude
Lesson 3[]
- hanner = half
- taldra = height
- pwyso = to weigh
- stôn = stone
- trwm = heavy
- cilogram = kilogram
Lesson 4[]
- gram = gram
- cant = one hundred
- cwch = boat
- system fetrig = metric system
Lesson 5[]
- draw = over (there, here, etc.)
- ledled = all over
- para = to last
- pobl = people
Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/cy/DistanceSize