Describe 2 is the hundred-sixteenth skill in the language tree for Welsh. It contains a total of three lessons and teaches more words used to describe how much you have of something, as well as some other interesting vocabulary.
Lesson 1[]
- faint o'r = how many of the
- ŵyr = grandson
- wyrion = grandchildren, grandsons
- cyson = regular
- ohonoch chi = of you
- ohoni hi = of her
- ohonyn nhw = of them
- tybed = I wonder
Lesson 2[]
- anobeithiol = hopeless
- yn aml = often
- ychydig = little
- rhai = some
Lesson 3[]
- y fath beth = such a thing
- sylweddoli = to realize
- beth bynnag = anyway
- cydweithrediad = cooperation
Duolingo Lesson: