Condition 2 is the eighty-ninth (assuming read left to right) skill in the language tree for Welsh. It has two lessons that teach more about saying "would like", as well as a few more idiomatic expressions.
Culture Notes[]
A coffee morning is a morning meeting over coffee or tea. It is very common in Wales as a way for people to practice speaking Welsh. They are also used to generate money for charities.
A car boot sale is similar to a garage sale, but everything for sale is sold from the trunk (or boot) of a car. It is also often in an open area with multiple people selling their wares.
Lesson 1[]
- adloniant = entertainment
- atgoffa = to remind
- awyddus = eager
- bore coffi = coffee morning
- dyfalu = to guess
Lesson 2[]
- sêl cist car = car boot sale
- drama Gymraeg = Welsh-language play
- daith gerdded = walking tour
- noson carioci = karaoke night
- sioe ffasiwn = fashion show
- am ...! = how ...!
- am syniad gwych! = what a great idea!
Duolingo Lesson: