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Quantity & Pronouns is the twenty-seventh (assuming read left to right) skill in the language tree for Turkish. It has two lessons and teaches words for various quantifiers and pronouns such as "a lot", "many" and "no one".


Lesson 1[]

  • hiçbir şey = nothing
  • herhangi bir şey = something/anything
  • biri = one (pronoun)
  • her şey = everything
  • şey = thing
  • herkes = everyone
  • (hiç) kimse = no one
  • bazı = some
  • bir şey değil = You're welcome (it's nothing)

Lesson 2[]

  • biraz = a little bit
  • birkaç = a few
  • birçok = many
  • az = a bit
  • bütün = all
  • kişi = people
  • tüm = whole


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/tr/QuantifiersandPronouns
