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Locative is the thirteenth skill in the language tree for Turkish. It contains six lessons and teaches another case, the locative, as well as words for places and locations in Turkish.

Grammar Notes[]

Consonant Harmony[]

Turkish contains a concept called "consonant harmony". Like the vowel harmony studied earlier, this harmony changes a consonant based on the previous letter. This is important for the locative case, as this case's ending is either -tA or -dA based on consonant harmony. A mnemonic to remember which consonants will change it from -dA to -tA is

Efe paşa çok hasta,

where each bold letter will cause the change (i.e. any of the consonants in the phrase).

Locative Case[]

This case shows that the object is at/in/on something or somewhere. The case has a -tA or -dA ending as outlined above. Some examples:

  • kumsal (beach) -> kumsalda (at the beach)
  • müze (museum) -> müzede (in/at the museum)
  • süpermarket (supermarket) -> süpermarkette (at/in the supermarket)

Odd Exceptions[]

Havalimanı and hayvanat bahçesi have an extra -n- added between the main word and any case endings, so it's havalimanında and hayvanat bahçesinde.

"To Have"[]

"To have" can also be approximated using the locative pronouns, although this is rare:

  • sende kedi = you have a cat.
  • bizde at = we have a horse.


Lesson 1[]

  • okul = school
  • restoran = restaurant
  • hastane = hospital
  • kilise = church
  • otel = hotel
  • pastane = bakery
  • postane = post office

Lesson 2[]

  • oda = room
  • cami = mosque
  • banyo = bathroom
  • tuvalet = toilet
  • ev = home
  • Sultan Ahmet camisi = the Blue Mosque
  • bakkal = store

Lesson 3[]

  • liman = port
  • hayvanat bahçesi = zoo
  • süpermarket = supermarket
  • kumsal = beach
  • bahçe = garden
  • havalimanı = airport
  • havuz = pool
  • deniz = sea

Lesson 4[]

  • kuzey = north
  • batı = west
  • Türkiye = Turkey
  • İstanbul = Istanbul
  • Ayasofya = the Hagia Sophia
  • sol = left
  • müze = museum
  • sağ = right

Lesson 5[]

  • onda = he/she has (the)
  • bende = I have (the)
  • sende = you have (the)
  • onlarda = they have (the)
  • bizde = we have (the)
  • sizde = you (pl.) have (the)
  • sizin... var = you have
  • onlarin... var = they have
  • benim... var = I have
  • bizim... var = we have
  • senin... var = you have
  • onun... var = he/she has

Lesson 6[]

  • kale = castle
  • burada = here
  • orada = there
  • mutfak = kitchen
  • kahvaltı = breakfast
  • Ankara = Ankara


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/tr/Locative
