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Dative is the twentieth (assuming read left to right) skill in the Turkish language tree, which has two lessons on the dative case in relation to going somewhere.

Grammar Notes[]

Dative Case[]

The dative case is used when describing going "to" somewhere or doing something with/to someone. The ending is -(y)A, with the y added if the ending of the word is a vowel.

  • park -> parka
  • bar -> bara
  • ofis -> ofise


These words are often confused for one another, so clarification is needed:

  • Bu only refers to "here", so it cannot be used for "there";
  • Şu refers to a there that is usually within sight, so for example "he went over there" would probably use şu; and
  • Or refers to a "there" that is outside of sight and/or really far away, so for example "he went to Germany. He actually went there." would likely use or.


Lesson 1[]

  • buraya = here
  • şuraya = there
  • oraya = there

Lesson 2[]

  • doğru = towards


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/tr/Dative
