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Intro is the first skill in the Spanish language tree. It teaches the first sentences and phrases, and consists of three lessons about gender, people, eating and drinking.

Grammar Notes[]


Spanish has both masculine and feminine nouns. It is important to use the right modifiers (articles, adjectives, etc.) for each gender.

Feminine Masculine
Indefinite (a/an) una un
Definite (the) la el

There is also plural versions of these, but those are taught in Basics 2.

Sentence Structure[]

Spanish sentence structure is remarkably similar to English. One of the main differences is the omission of the subject:

  • Soy un hombre. ("I am a man.")
  • Soy una mujer. ("I am a woman.")

You can begin these sentences with yo if you wish, but the sentences above are more common.

Verb Conjugation[]

Verb conjugation in Spanish is more complicated than in English. Here is the conjugation in the singular for beber, "to drink":

English Spanish Verb Ending
I drink Yo bebo -o
You (inf.) drink Tù bebes -es
he/she drinks Él/Ella bebe -e

This is regular for most verbs ending in -er. Comer, "to eat", also follows this pattern. One exception is ser, "to be":

English Spanish
I am Yo soy
You (inf.) are Tù eres
he/she is Él/Ella es

These exceptions will have to be memorized.


Lesson 1[]

  • el hombre = man
  • la mujer = woman
  • el niño = boy
  • la niña = girl
  • yo = I
  • soy = I am
  • el = the (m)
  • la = the (f)
  • un = a (m)
  • una = a (f)

Lesson 2[]

  • él = he
  • ella = she
  • es = is
  • come = eats
  • tú = you (informal)
  • eres = you are
  • la manzana = apple

Lesson 3[]

  • el pan = bread
  • el agua = water
  • la leche = milk
  • como = I eat
  • comes = you eat
  • bebo = I drink
  • bebes = you drink
  • bebe = drinks


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/es/Basics-1
