Duolingo Wiki
Duolingo Wiki

Directions is the thirty-fifth (assuming read left to right) skill in the language tree for Spanish. It has three lessons and teaches the cardinal directions and how to describe movement and traffic in Spanish.


Lesson 1[]

  • izquierda = left
  • derecha = right
  • el lado = side
  • el centro = center
  • la posición = position
  • la entrada = entry/entrance
  • el exterior = exterior/outside

Lesson 2[]

  • la salida = exit
  • la llegada = arrival
  • la búsqueda = search
  • el tráfico = traffic
  • la orientación = orientation
  • el viaje = trip/journey
  • el fin = end

Lesson 3[]

  • la dirección = direction
  • la señal = sign/signal
  • el rumbo = course
  • el paso = step
  • norte = north
  • sur = south


Duolingo Lesson: https://www.duolingo.com/skill/es/Directions
