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Animals is the fifth (assuming read left to right) skill in the Spanish language tree. It consists of 4 smaller lessons that teach all about many kinds of animals.

Grammar Notes[]

Spanish differentiates between a male cat and a female cat; this also occurs with occupations and people.


Lesson 1[]

  • el gato = cat (m.)
  • la gata = cat (f.)
  • el perro = dog
  • los gatos = cats (m. or mix)
  • las gatas = cats (f.)
  • los perros = dogs
  • el caballo = horse

Lesson 2[]

  • los caballos = horses
  • el elefante = elephant
  • los elefantes = elephants
  • el pato = duck
  • los patos = ducks
  • la tortuga = turtle

Lesson 3[]

  • el pájaro = bird
  • los pájaros = birds
  • el cangrejo = crab
  • la araña = spider
  • el oso = bear
  • el pingüino = penguin
  • los animales = animals

Lesson 4[]

  • el animal = animal
  • el cerdo= pig
  • el ratón = mouse
  • el conejo = rabbit
  • el león = lion
  • el mono = monkey
  • el toro = bull


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/es/Animals
