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Travel is the 21st skill (assuming read left to right) in the Scottish Gaelic language course. It has 4 lessons.

In the revised Duolingo format, Travel is the first lesson in Unit 4 of Section 2: Explorer

Grammar Notes[]

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.


Form the plural

Lesson 1[]

  • busaichean = buses
  • plèana = airplane
  • plèanaichean = airplanes
  • trèana = train
  • trèanaichean = trains
  • stèisean = station
  • a' tighinn = coming

Lesson 2[]

  • na = the (plural)
  • bàtaichean = boats
  • càraichean = cars
  • daor = expensive
  • saor = cheap/a joiner (job)
  • dìreach = just
  • a' falbh = leaving

Lesson 3[]

  • a' stad = stopping
  • stad = stop
  • stadaibh = stop (plural)
  • airgead = money
  • eilean = island
  • eileanan = islands
  • tiocaid = ticket
  • tiocaidean = tickets
  • uinneag = window
  • uinneagan = windows

Lesson 4[]

  • dùinte = closed
  • fosgailte = open
  • sgòthach = cloudy
  • Eilean Sgitheanach = Isle of Skye (the largest island in the Inner Hebrides archipelago of Scotland)
  • An t-Eilean Sgitheanach = the Isle of Skye
  • a' draibheadh = driving
  • na càraichean = the cars
  • na h-eileanan = the islands
  • na h-uinneagan = the windows
  • seall air = look at

