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Scottish Gaelic Skill:Homework is the 92nd skill on the Scottish Gaelic Duolingo course.

In the revised Duolingo format, Scottish Gaelic Skill:Homework is taught in Section 3: Traveler

Grammar Notes[]

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.


Describe schoolwork

  • an aibidil = the alphabet
  • brùth air = press (verb)
  • ceann-latha = date (noun)
  • cearcall = circle
  • ceàrnag = square
  • ceart-cheàrnag = rectangle
  • a’ cheàrnag mhòr = the big square
  • ceist = question
  • ceistean = questions
  • ceist a trì = question 3
  • ceudameatair = centimeter
  • ceudameatairean = centimeters
  • cha do chòrd = didn’t enjoy
  • cheàrr = wrong
  • cheart = right
  • cha cleachd = will not use
  • cleachdaidh = will use
  • cuimhnich = remember
  • chuimhnich = remembered
  • cuir crìoch air = finish (verb)
  • na cuir = don’t put
  • cuir-ris = plus
  • cuspair = subject
  • de = of
  • dealbh = picture/photograph
  • deuchainn = exam / test (noun)
  • an diofar = the dfference
  • nas duilghe = more difficult
  • eisimpleir = example
  • nas fhasa = easier
  • freagairt = answer
  • freagairtean = answers
  • nas giorra = shorter
  • gràmar = grammar
  • litir mhòr = capital letter
  • litirean = letters
  • lorg = find
  • meadhan = middle
  • mearachdan = mistakes
  • mura = if / unless
  • anns a’ mheadhan = in the middle
  • an obair = the work
  • paidhir = pair
  • pàiste = child
  • paragraf = paragraph
  • pharagraf = paragraph (lenited)
  • peansail = pencil
  • a’ phuing-stad = the full stop / the period
  • seantans = sentence
  • sgeulachd agad = your story
  • sgoil-àraich = nursery
  • suathan = eraser
  • tagh = choose
  • taobh = side
  • taobhan = sides
  • thog = picked up
  • thoir air falbh = minus
  • an toiseach = the beginning
  • tomhais = measure
  • triantan = triangle
  • freagairt cheart = right answer
  • brùth air an fhear = press that one
  • brùth air a’ phutan = press the button
  • tomhais an càr dearg = measure the red car
  • tha an obair doirbh = the work is difficult
  • bidh e nas fhasa a-nis = it will be easier now
  • dè cho àrd ‘s a tha e? Trì meatairean =
  • an do sgrìobh thu an ceann-latha = did you write the date
  • a bheil eisimpleir agad = do you have an example
  • tagh cuspair = choose a subject
  • lorg an diofar = find the difference
  • tha ochd litrichean deug anns an aibidil = there are eighteen letters in the alphabet
  • tha ceist a trì nas duilghe = question three is more difficult
  • a bheil paidhir agad = do you have a pair
  • thog mi dà chairt = I picked up two cards
  • tha paidhir agam = I have a pair
  • peansail agus suathan = a pencil and an eraser
  • tha aon taobh air cearcall = a circle has one side
  • cuir sin anns a’ mheadhan = put that in the middle
  • suidh anns a’ chearcall = sit in the circle
  • tha a’ chiad pharagraf ro fhada = the first paragraph is longer
  • an dàrna paragraf = the second paragraph
  • triantan mòr agus triantan beag = a big triangle and a little triangle
  • trì cuir ris dhà = three plus two
  • trì cuir ris trì. Tha sin a dèanamh sia = three plus three. That makes six
  • deuchainn Ghàidhlig = a Gaelic exam
  • tha an aibidil Ghàidhlig nas giorra = the Gaelic alphabet is shorter
  • cha robh an obair cheart aige = he did not have the right work
  • sgrìobh an ceann-latha = write the date
  • dealbh de chù = a picture of a dog
  • ceistean agus freagairtean = questions and answers
  • tha gràmar furasta gu leòr = grammar is easy enough
  • tha am pàiste trang ag obair = the child is busy working
  • sgrìobhaidh mi seantans fada = I will write a long sentence
  • freagairt cheàrr = a wrong answer

