Scottish Gaelic Skill:Family 3 is the 63rd skill on the Scottish Gaelic Duolingo course. In the revised Duolingo format, Scottish Gaelic Skill:Family 3 is taught in Section 3: Traveler
Grammar Notes[]
Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.
Describe extended family
- a h-uncail = her uncle
- uncail = his uncle
- ag ràdh = saying
- dhi = to her
- dhuibh = to you ( formal )
- dhuibh eile = to you all
- cothrom = a chance
- a ghaoil = love (noun)
- a h-athair = her father
- athair = his father
- antaidh = his auntie
- a cèile = her partner
- a chèile = his partner
- deugaire = teenager
- uncailean = uncles
- ur n-uncailean = your uncles
- gaisgeal = heroic (masculine)
- ghaisgeal = heroic (feminine)
- tuirt = say
- thuirt = said
- càil = anything
- am peathraichean = their sisters
- thug = gave
- mic = sons
- am mic = their sons
- bragail = overconfident
- beannachd leat = goodbye
- dè thuirt thu = what did you say
- chì mi a-rithist thu = see you later
- ar = our
- ar clann = our children
- an clann = their children
- nàmhaid = enemy
- nàimhdean = enemies
- dhaibh = to them
- chomhairle = advice
- ogha = grandchild
- an ogha = their grandchild
- oghaichean = grandchildren
- ar n-oghaichean = our grandchildren
- co-ogha = cousin
- co-oghaichean = cousins
- an co-oghaichean = their cousins
- ar co-oghaichean = our cousins
- a bhràthair = his brother
- ar bhràthair = our brother
- olc = evil
- eòlach = know
- rabhadh = warning
- inbheach = an adult
- ur = your
- ur caraidean = your friends
- ur n-antaidean your aunties
- cuidichibh iad = help them
- nàbaidh = neighbor
- nàbaidhean = neighbors
- a bhràmair = his lover
- na can an còrr = say no more
- thoir cothram dha = give him a chance
- fhuair e pòg = he got a kiss
- an tug Thu pòg dhi = did you give her a kiss
- an tuirt a sin = did her brother say that
- thug i pòg dhi = she gave her a kiss
- cha tuirt mi càil = I did not say anything
- dè thug iad dhuinn = what did they give us
- tha athair an seo cuideachd = his father is here too
- thug mi rabhadh dhaibh = I gave them a warning
- dè bha Tormod mòr ag ràdh = what was big Norman saying
- feasgar math dhuibh uile = good afternoon to you all
- cuidichibh ur nàbaidhean a h-uile latha = help your neighbors every day
- nach tuirt do nàbaidh sin = didn’t your neighbor say that
- tha mo nàimhdean air fad a’ Ghalldachd = all my enemies are in the Lowlands
- cha tuirt mi sin idir = I did not say that at all