Scottish Gaelic Skill:Describing is the 79th skill on the Scottish Gaelic Duolingo course. In the revised Duolingo format, Scottish Gaelic Skill:Describing is taught in Section 3: Traveler
Grammar Notes[]
Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.
Use the dative case
- mhòr = big
- dhubh = black
- gheal = white
- dhearg = red
- bhuidhe = yellow
- agallamh = interview
- leabhar = book
- làraidh = lorry
- breac = speckled
- bhreac = speckled (lenited)
- eun = bird
- blas = accent
- dhaor = expensive
- phurpaidh = purple
- bheag = little / small
- chrosta = cross
- ghlic = clever / smart
- crogall = crocodile
- motar-baidhg = motorbike
- feargach = angry
- hamstair = hamster
- bhrèagha = pretty
- pheitean = waistcoat
- glasaidh = will lock
- seabhag = falcon / hawk
- dhonn = brown
- a bhrògan = his shoes
- anns a’ chàr mhòr = in the big car
- anns a’ chàr dhubh = in the black car
- anns a’ taigh gheal = in the White House
- anns a’ chàr dhearg = in the red car
- shad mi briogais dhubn orm = I threw black trousers on
- cearc bhreac = speckled chicken
- tha an sgìort dhubh nas fhaide = the black skirt is longer
- blas Gàidhealach = Highland accent
- tha òr aig a’ chaileag chrosta = the cross girl has a hammer
- tha faclair aig a’ bhalach ghlic = the clever boy has a dictionary
- carson a tha thu cho feargach, a Mhàiri = why are you so angry Mary
- tha ad air an dùin bhrèagha = the pretty man has a hat on
- glasaidh mi Iain anns a’ bhan = I will lock Iain in the van
- tha mi cho bòidheachd ri angheal = I am as beautiful as an angel