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Scottish Gaelic Skill:Crofting is the 78th skill on the Scottish Gaelic Duolingo course.

In the revised Duolingo format, Scottish Gaelic Skill:Crofting is taught in Section 3: Traveler

Grammar Notes[]

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.


Discuss croft life

  • reithe = ram
  • coileach = rooster
  • chan eil ach = only have
  • stàball = stable
  • dhan stàball = into the stable
  • dhùisg = woke up
  • chaidh = went
  • cearcan = chickens
  • fo = under a
  • fon = under the
  • toir = will bring
  • cha toir = will not give
  • tractar = tractor
  • achadh = field
  • bheir = will give
  • sheall = show (verb)
  • cha sheall = will not show
  • cha do sheall = have not shown
  • seallaidh = will look
  • sheall =will show / showed
  • croitearachd = crofting
  • ruithidh = will run
  • na cadal = was asleep
  • an dà chuid = both
  • isean = chick
  • iseanan = chicks
  • beaga = little (plural)
  • cù-chaorach = sheepdog
  • feansa = fence
  • as fhaide = longest
  • laogh = calf
  • crodh = cattle
  • sabhal = barn
  • gruth = crowdie (homemade cheese)
  • croitear = crofter
  • ri taobh = beside
  • dhomh = to me
  • dhuibh = to you
  • dhi = to her
  • dha = to him
  • dhaibh = to them
  • agam = I have
  • agad = you have
  • aice = she has
  • aige = he has
  • aca = they have
  • bha a’ chearc fo each = the chicken was under a horse
  • thuirt Màiri nach eil croft aige = Màiri said that he does not have a croft
  • chan eil ach aon chaora agam = i only have one sheep
  • cha bhi ach ceud caora aca = they will only have a hundred sheep
  • cha robe ach aon bhò ann = there was only one cow
  • fhuair sinn coileach ùr = we got a new rooster
  • bheir mi caora do dh’Iain = I will give Iain a sheep
  • an toil leat croitearachd ma-thà = do you like crofting then
  • is toil leis na caileagan croitearachd = the girls like crofting
  • bha Iain na sheasamh anns an stàball = Iain was stood in the stable
  • tha an dà chuid cait agus coin aige = he has both cats and dogs
  • bha an crochet anns an t-sabhal = the cattle were in the barn
  • nach bi an crodh = won’t the cattle
  • a’ chearc agus an t-isbean = the chicken and the chick
  • dh’innis i dhomh gu bheil dà chroit agus taigh aice = she told me that she has two crofts and a house
  • we will meet and we will eat salted gannet = coinnichidh sinn agus Ithidh sinn guga
  • cha toir mi a’ chroit agam dha = I won’t give him my croft
  • cha toir mi dad sam bith dhut = I won’t give you anything
  • an t-isean beag = the little chick
  • am feansa as fhaide = the longest fence
  • cha bhi ach dà thunnag ann = there will only be two ducks
  • bha Marsaili na suidhe aig a’ bhòrd = Marjory was not seated at the table
  • rug a’ bhò laogh = the cow gave birth to a calf
  • rug a’ bhò laogh geal = the cow gave birth to a white calf
  • rug a’ bhò laogh ruadh = the cow gave birth to a ginger calf
  • nach toir thu uighean dhaibh = won’t you give eggs to us?
  • nach toir thu snèap dhan rìgh = won’t you give a turnip to the King
  • cha sheall mi caora dhaibh = I will not show a sheep to them
  • cha sheall mi a’ bhò ùr dhaibh = I will not show the new cow to them
  • cha do sheall mi a’ chearc òr dhaibh fhathast = I have not shown the golden chicken to them yet
  • sheall i an gèadh òr dhuinn = she showed the golden goose to us

