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Countries is the 23rd skill (assuming read left to right) in the Scottish Gaelic language course. It has 5 lessons.

In the revised Duolingo format, Countries is the second lesson in Unit 5 of Section 2: Explorer

Grammar Notes[]

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.


Describe countries

Lesson 1[]

  • a' Chuimrigh = Wales
  • an Eilean Mhanainn = the Isle of Man
  • a' Ghearmailt = Germany
  • Innis Tìle = Iceland
  • a' Phòlainn = Poland
  • a' phìob-mhòr = the Highland bagpipes
  • anns = in
  • ceòl = music

Lesson 2[]

  • a' Bheilg = Belgium
  • a' Ghreig = Greece
  • a' Phortagail = Portugal
  • clann = children
  • a' chlann = the children (lenited)
  • a' chraobh = the tree
  • shnog = nice (lenited)
  • ro = too

Lesson 3[]

  • a' Phortagail = Portugal (lenited)
  • an Rìoghachd Aonaichte = the United Kingdom
  • an Roinn-Eòrpa = Europe
  • an Ruis = Russia
  • an Spàinn = Spain
  • an Tuirc = Turkey
  • rathad = road
  • theth = hot (lenited)

Lesson 4[]

  • am Breatainn = Britain
  • a' Chòrn = Cornwall (county in south west England)
  • an Fhraing = France
  • an t-Suain = Sweden
  • fidheall = fiddle (musical instrument)
  • an fhidheall agam = my fiddle
  • fhuar = cold (lenited)
  • an t-seacaid = the jacket

Lesson 5[]

  • a' Bhreatann Bheag = Brittany (France’s northwesternmost region)
  • an Eadailt = Italy
  • an Eilbheis = Switzerland
  • an Ostair = Austria
  • an Sìona = China
  • abhainn = river
  • bhlàth = warm (lenited)

