Arts is the 39th skill on the Scottish Gaelic Duolingo course. This skill teaches Scottish Gaelic Skill:Arts
In the revised Duolingo format, Arts is the second lesson in Unit 13 of Section 2: Explorer
Grammar Notes[]
Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.
Discuss the arts
- dealbhadair = artist
- dath = color
- peant = paint
- dathan = colors
- dealbh = picture
- air leth = exceptional
- a’ peantadh = paint, painting (verb)
- bruis = brush
- leabhraichean = books
- ùghdar = author
- sgrìobhadair = writer
- sgrìobhadairean = writers
- a’ sgrìobhadh = writes, writing (verb)
- tìde = time
- fad na tìde = all the time
- inntinneach = interesting
- talla-cluiche = theatre
- cleasaiche = actor
- dealbh-chluich = play (noun)
- phaidh = pies
- pinnt = pint
- a’ rànaich = crying
- òg = young
- air an àrd-ùrlar = on stage
- àrd-ùrlar = stage
- rùisgte = naked
- uabhasach = terribly
- a h-uile latha = every day
- a-rithist = again
- seinneadair = singer
- mìorbhaileach = marvelous
- dràma = drama
- tric = often
- a’ gàireachdainn = laughing
- innte = she is [‘S e seinneadair a th’ innte = she is a singer]
- talla = hall
- a’ coimhead = watch (verb)
- a h-uile oidhche = every night
- neach-ciùil = musician
- film = a film [movie]
- filmichean = films [movies]
- dannsair = dancer
- cruthachail = creative
- sgrìobhadh = writing (noun)
- eagalach = scary
- mòine = peat
- dìosal = diesel
- còmhlan-ciùil = band
- Mòine agus Dìosal = Peat and Diesel, a three-piece band from Stornoway