Lesson 1[]
- вовремя = on time
- граница = border
- за границей = abroad (location)
- за границу = abroad (direction)
- уехать = to leave by means of a vehicle (perfective)
- уйти = to leave (perfective)
Lesson 2[]
- войти = to enter (perfective)
- выйти = to leave in a sense of going outside (perfective)
- до того, как = before something already done
- прилететь = to arrive by means of flying (perfective)
- убежать = to run away (perfective)
- уезжать = to leave by means of a vehicle
Lesson 3[]
- отойти = to back away (perfective)
- переходить = to cross
- подойти = to come in a sense of approaching something or someone (perfective)
- проходить = to come in/to pass
- сквозь = through in a sense of seeing through or through a surface
- через = through in a sense of passing through a place