Tech & Home is the fiftieth (assuming read left to right) skill in the language tree for Russian. It has a total of seven lessons. It teaches vocabulary related to the home and technology from bathrooms to cell phones.
Grammar Notes[]
Even though идти is a "walking" verb, it is commonly used to describe train or bus routes (i.e. The train goes there).
Lesson 1[]
- поезд = train
- лампa = lamp
- вагон = carriage
- лестница = stairs
- компьютер = computer
- включи(те) = turn on
- выключи(те) = turn off
Lesson 2[]
- плеер = mp3 player
- слушай(те) = listen
- чайник = kettle
- бензин = gas (fuel)
- сломать = to break
- упасть = to fall
Lesson 3[]
- мотоцикл = motorcycle
- корабль = ship
- легкий = light
- брать = to take
- почта = mail
Lesson 4[]
- техника = technology
- энциклопедия = encyclopedia
- мечтать = to dream
- мобильный телефон = cell phone
- трамвай = tram
- садиться (в, на) = to sit down, to board on (a vehicle)
- инженер = engineer
Lesson 5[]
- календарь = calendar
- покупай(те) = buy
- покупать = to buy
- мир = world
- фотоаппарат = camera
- принимать душ = to take a shower
Lesson 6[]
- дёшевый = cheap
- интернет = internet
- напечатать = to print
- флешка = USB, flash drive
- ежедневный = daily
- ванна = bath(tub)
Lesson 7[]
- строить = to build
- балкон = balcony
- используй(те) = use
- использовать = to use
- конверт = envelope
- транспорт = transportation
- общественный = public
Duolingo Lesson: