Science is the seventy-fourth skill in the Russian language tree. There are nine lessons in this skill, and the main theme of the skill is science; vocabulary in this skill deals with topics in chemistry, physics, biology and astronomy, among others.
Lesson 1[]
- метод = method
- вещество = substance
- показать = to indicate (to show)
- открыть = to discover
- анализ = analysis
- лаборатория = laboratory
- наука = science
Lesson 2[]
- верно = true, correct
- неверно = false, incorrect
- утверждение = claim (statement)
- эксперимент = experiment
- проводить = to conduct
- достаточно = rather
- данные = data
- эффект = effect
Lesson 3[]
- изучено = studied
- недостаточно = not enough
- явление = phenomenon
- электричество = electricity
- вселенная = universe
- какова = what (is the identity of)
- природа = nature
Lesson 4[]
- атом = atom
- кислород = oxygen
- масса = mass
- водород = hydrogen
- состоять из = to consist of/to be composed of
- молекула = molecule
- элемент = element
Lesson 5[]
- до сих пор = up until now, still
- свойство = property, quality
- металл = metal
- большинство = majority
- жидкость = liquid
- газ = gas
- естественный = natural
- процесс = process
Lesson 6[]
- форма = shape, form
- клетка = cell
- микроскоп = microscope
- рост = growth
- кристалл = crystal
- теория = theory
- описывать/описать = to describe
Lesson 7[]
- вид = species (type/kind)
- млекопитающее = mammal
- рептилия = reptile
- со временем = as time goes by
- происхождение = origin
- объясняться = to be explained
Lesson 8[]
- считается = it is thought
- оказаться = to turn out to be
- скорость = speed, velocity
- давление = pressure
- наблюдаться = to observe
- при = in the presence of
- увеличение = increase
Lesson 9[]
- вращаться вокруг = to orbit
- Луна = Moon
- планета = planet
- ускорение = acceleration
- тело = object
- частица = particle
- измерить = to measure
Duolingo Lesson: