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Instrumental (Being) is the fifty-second (assuming read left to right) skill of the Russian language tree. It contains five lessons and teaches how to use the instrumental case in regards to working as a something or becoming something.

Grammar Notes[]

There are some new verbs in this skill that need to be explained:


This verb means the same as быть; that is, they both mean "to be". But the difference is that являться is used in the case of A is B which is a C. As this is quite rare though it is not learned in the course.


This verb has no direct English translation, so its meaning has to be guessed at based on the context of the sentence around it; it usually has a meaning of "doing" some action.


This is similar to заниматься, but refers commonly to hobby activities.


Lesson 1[]

  • менеджер = manager
  • переводчик = translator
  • режиссёр = director (movie)
  • программист = programer
  • стать = to become
  • журналист = journalist

Lesson 2[]

  • интересоваться = to be interested in
  • балет = ballet
  • опера = opera
  • юрист = lawyer
  • дирижёр = conductor (music)
  • искусство = art

Lesson 3[]

  • хозяин = owner
  • Приятно познакомиться! = Nice to meet you!
  • приятный = nice
  • познакомиться (с) = to meet; to become acquainted with
  • договорились! = Agreed!
  • договориться (с) = to come to an agreement; to negotiate
  • волейбол = volleyball

Lesson 4[]

  • заниматься = see above
  • учёный = scientist
  • знаменитый = famous
  • профессия = profession
  • историк = historian
  • вырасти = to grow up

Lesson 5[]

  • бизнес = business
  • перевод = translation
  • партнёр = partner
  • музыкант = musician
  • клуб = club
  • официант = waiter
  • официантка = waitress


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/ru/Being-Instrumental
