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Education is the fortieth (assuming read left to right) skill of the Russian language tree. It teaches a little bit about the Russian school system while also teaching various teaching and learning vocabulary. There is also a couple of imperatives learned in Lesson 9. It has nine lessons.

Culture Notes[]

Russian schools are remarkably similar to American schools, but there are a few differences.


Classes tend to be either forty-five minutes (класс) or ninety-five minutes (пара) (two forty-five minute periods with a five minute break, hence "pair")


Russian's grades are often on the 5-point scale, with 1 being the worst and 5 the best:

  • 1 is so utterly bad that it almost never happens (eдиница)
  • 2 is неудовлетворительно or a "fail" (двойка)
  • 3 is удовлетворительно or a "pass" (тройка)
  • 4 is хорошо or a "good" mark (четвёрка)
  • 5 is отлично or "excellent" (пятёрка)

Russian University[]

There is a hierarchy to a Russian university which shares some similarities with the American system.

университет (university) has several факультеты or отделения (faculties) which then have various кафедры (branches). Some universities will also have an институт (institute) as well.


Lesson 1[]

  • учебник = textbook
  • класс = class, grade
  • урок = lesson
  • первый = first
  • второй = second
  • третий = third
  • колледж = college

Lesson 2[]

  • четвёртый = fourth
  • пятый = fifth
  • кабинет = room
  • сто = hundred
  • окончить = to graduate
  • шестой = sixth
  • седьмой = seventh

Lesson 3[]

  • упражнение = exercise
  • восьмой = eighth
  • десятый = tenth
  • библиотека = library
  • литература = literature
  • девятый = ninth
  • математика = mathematics

Lesson 4[]

  • здание = building
  • предмет = subject
  • китайский = Chinese
  • пятёрка = "five", "A"
  • этаж = level
  • поступить = to get into

Lesson 5[]

  • четвёрка = "four", "B"
  • текст = text
  • более-менее = more or less
  • история = history
  • двойка = "two", "F"
  • сложный = difficult
  • более длинный = longer

Lesson 6[]

  • физика = physics
  • биология = biology
  • считать = to count
  • после = after

Lesson 7[]

  • последний = last
  • занятие = class
  • плавать = to swim
  • факультет = faculty
  • юридический факультет = law school
  • научиться = to learn
  • физический факультет = physics department

Lesson 8[]

  • воскресенье = Sunday
  • понедельник = Monday
  • суббота = Saturday
  • экзамен = exam
  • готовиться = to prepare
  • биологический факультет = biology department

Lesson 9[]

  • напиши(те) = write (imperative)
  • прочитай(те) = read (imperative)
  • простой = simple
  • доска = board
  • утро = morning
  • преподавать = to teach


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/ru/Places
