City is the forty-seventh (assuming read left to right) skill in the Russian language tree. This skill teaches additional vocabulary relating to a city and the people in it. It has five lessons.
Lesson 1[]
- остановкa = stop (bus, tram, etc.)
- район = district
- площадь = square
- китаец = Chinese
- повар = chef
- центр = center
- итальянец/итальянка = Italian
Lesson 2[]
- сторона = side
- другой = other
- иностранец = foreigner
- автобусная остановка = bus stop
- офис = office
Lesson 3[]
- открыт = open
- железная дорога = railway
- закрыт = closed
- актриса = actress
- немка = German
Lesson 4[]
- угол = corner
- свободно = free
- жди(те) = wait
- кинотеатр = movie theater
Lesson 5[]
- вход = entrance
- выход = exit
- станция = station
- по-моему = in my opinion
- супермаркет = supermarket
- столица = capital city
Duolingo Lesson: