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Around you is the twenty-first (assuming read left to right) skill in the language tree for Russian. It contains six lessons and teaches words referring to places one can go to, as well as directions.

Grammar Notes[]


Some nouns, like аэропорт and пол when put into the prepositional after на/в instead gain an accented -у ending. There aren't a huge amount of these, but you should keep this in mind.

I speak Russian[]

This sentence in Russian is, "Я говорю по-русски." This actually translates to "I speak in a Russian way." All sentences regarding speaking or writing or reading or listening to the language will always use по followed by the language ending in just -и.


Lesson 1[]

  • ресторан = restaurant
  • слева (от) = to the left (of), on the left
  • справа (от) = to the right (of), on the right
  • рекa = river
  • гостиница = hotel
  • большой = big

Lesson 2[]

  • по-русски = Russian
  • говорить = to speak
  • по-английски = English
  • по-немецки = German
  • совсем = at all, totally

Lesson 3[]

  • галерея = gallery
  • магазин = store
  • театр = theatre
  • впереди = ahead
  • близко = nearby, near, close by
  • выставка = exhibition, show
  • экскурсия = tour, guided tour, excursion

Lesson 4[]

  • турист = tourist
  • билет = ticket
  • классический = classical
  • заказывать = to order
  • концерт = concert
  • обсуждать = to discuss
  • спектакль = performance, play

Lesson 5[]

  • киоск = kiosk, booth
  • международный = international
  • аэропорт = airport
  • пол = floor
  • лес = forest
  • мост = bridge

Lesson 6[]

  • зоопарк = zoo
  • животное = animal
  • зал = hall
  • главный = main
  • домашний = domestic, house
  • домашнее животное = pet


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/ru/Around-you
