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Animals is the tenth skill of the Russian language tree. It has 4 lessons. This skill teaches Russian Skill:Animals.
Grammar Notes[]
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After each singular noun, in parentheses, it is indicated its grammatical gender (m = masculine, f = feminine, n = neuter).
Lesson 1[]
- мышь (f) = mouse
- птица (f) = bird
- змея (f) = snake
- лев (m) = lion
- лиса (f) = fox
- свинья (f) = pig
- лисы = foxes
- львы = lions
- змеи = snakes
- есть = there is
- Pay attention to the following sentences:
- Змея в парке = The snake is in the park.
- В парке есть змея = There is a snake in the park!
- Pay attention to the following sentences:
Lesson 2[]
- волк (m) = wolf
- курица (f) = chicken
- корова (f) = cow
- муха (f) = fly
- утка (f) = duck
- медведь (m) = bear
- ëж (m) = hedgehog
Lesson 3[]
- олень (m) = deer
- утки = ducks
- птицы = birds
- мухи = flies
- медведи = bears
- мыши = mice
- пьют = (they) drink
- олени = deer (plural)
Lesson 4[]
- крокодил (m) = crocodile
- собаки = dogs
- заяц (m) = hare
- слон (m) = elephant
- слоны = elephants
- котёнок (m) = kitten
- белка (f) = squirrel
- сова (f) = owl
- совы = owls