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Weather 2 is the 79th skill (assuming read left to right) in the Japanese language course. It has 6 lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.


Lesson 1[]

  • 季節 (ki-se-tsu) = weather seasons
  • ...によると (...-ni-yo-ru-to) = according to ...
  • 季報 (yo-hō) = forecast
  • 当たった (a-ta-tta) = it was accurate
  • あったらしい (a-tta-ra-shī) = there was apparently
  • 面白いらしい (o-mo-shi-ro-i-ra-shī) = supposed to be interesting
  • 雲 (ku-mo) = cloud

Lesson 2[]

  • 雷 (ka-mi-na-ri) = thunder
  • 現象 (gen-shō) = phenomenon
  • 台風 (tai-fū) = typhoon
  • 稲妻 (i-na-zu-ma) = lightning
  • 一時的なこと (i-chi-ji-te-ki-na-ko-to) = a temporary thing
  • 曇り一時雨 (ku-mo-ri-i-chi-ji-a-me) = cloudy with rain for a while

Lesson 3[]

  • 急に (kyū-ni) = all of a sudden
  • 地域 (chī-ki) = area/neighbourhood/district
  • 温度 (on-do) = temperature
  • 部屋の温度は今何度ですか (he-ya-no-on-do-wa-i-ma-nan-do-de-su-ka) = what is the current temperature of the room
  • 気温 (ki-on) = atmospheric temperature
  • 温度計 (on-do-kei) = thermometre
  • 十度を示していた (jū-dō-wo-shi-me-shi-te-i-ta) = it remained at 10 degrees
  • 午後になって (go-go-ni-na-tte) = in the afternoon
  • [示さない]

Lesson 4[]

  • 気候 (ki-kō) = climate
  • 乾燥している (kan-sō-shi-te-i-ru) = it has been dry
  • 温暖 (on-dan) = temperate
  • ガタガタしている (ga-ta-ga-ta-shi-te-i-ru) = it is rattling
  • 会社はガタガタになった (kai-sha-wa-ga-ta-ga-ta-ni-na-tta) = the company fell apart
  • 蒸し暑い (mu-shi-at-sui) = hot and humid/muggy
  • 蒸し暑くない (mu-shi-at-su-ku-nai) = not hot and humid/muggy
  • [温暖化, 蒸し暑さ]

Lesson 5[]

  • 転ばないで (ko-ro-ba-nai-de) = do not fall
  • 道で転んで (mi-chi-de-ko-ron-de) = falling on the street
  • 滑りやすい (su-be-ri-ya-sui) = slippery ("slipping easy")
  • 口を滑らせて (ku-chi-wo-su-be-ra-se-te) = her tongue, to slip (?)
  • 言ってしまった (i-tte-shi-ma-tta) = she ended up saying
  • 流れた (na-ga-re-ta) = it flowed
  • 流れ落ちた (na-ga-re-o-chi-ta) = it flowed down
  • ごろごろする (go-ro-go-ro-su-ru) = to rumble (of a stomach); to purr (of a cat)
  • ざあざあ (zā-zā) = heavily
  • かさがなかったので、びしょびしょです (ka-sa-ga-na-ka-tta-no-de-bi-sho-bi-sho-de-su) = Because I had no umbrella, I am soaking wet
  • びしょびしょになっちゃった (bi-sho-bi-sho-ni-na-ccha-tta) = I ended up getting soaking wet
  • [滑って, 滑った, 流れ, 流れて]

Lesson 6[]

  • 猛烈な (mō-re-tsu-na) = intense
  • 霧 (ki-ri) = fog
  • 近づいている (chi-ka-dzui-te-i-ru) = it is approaching
  • 山に霧がかかっている (ya-ma-ni-ki-ri-ga-ka-ka-tte-i-ru) = A fog is covering/enshrouding the mountain
  • じめじめしている (ji-me-ji-me-shi-te-i-ru) = damp/humid

