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The Gym is the 94th skill (assuming read left to right) in the Japanese language course. It has 6 lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.

'Doing' a Body Part (a.k.a Having a Body Part)[]

In having a body part we can say, "I do the body part":

(おっと)はたくましい(うで)している。= My husband has muscular arms. ("My husband does muscular arms.")

French speakers share this common way of speaking, most notably in telling their weight or height: « Je fais 50 kilos. » (I do 50 kilos / I weigh 50 kilos.)

Negating Existence with ...がない。[]

...がない negates the existence of a noun:

(かれ)(たい)(りょく)がない。= For him, physical strength does not exist.


Lesson 1[]

  • 汗 (a-se) = sweat / perspiration (Don't confuse with 汁 [shi-ru] = soup / stew!)
  • 汗をかいています。(a-se-wo-kai-te-i-ma-su) = I am sweating.
  • 彼は暑くなって汗をかき始めた。(ka-re-wa-sho-ku-na-tte-a-se-wo-ka-ki-ha-ji-me-ta) = He got hot and started to sweat.
  • 頭をかいた (a-ta-ma-wo-kai-ta) = I scratched my head
  • 体育の授業 (tai-i-ku-no-ju-gyō) = PE class
  • 体育館 (tai-i-ku-kan) = gymnasium
  • 筋肉 (kin-ni-ku) = muscle
  • 運動は筋肉を鍛える。(un-dō-wa-kin-ni-ku-wo-ki-ta-e-ru) = Exercise trains the muscles.
  • [かき, かいて, 筋肉痛, 鍛えられて, 鍛えて, 鍛えた]

Lesson 2[]

  • ダンベル (dam-be-ru) = dumbbell
  • 体力 (tai-ryo-ku) = physical strength
  • 彼は体力がない。(ka-re-wa-tai-ryo-ku-ga-nai) = He has no physical strength. ("For him, physical strength does not exist.")
  • 彼は右手を伸ばした。(ka-re-wa-mi-gi-te-wo-no-ba-shi-ta) = He extended / stretched his right hand.
  • 背を曲げた (se-wo-ma-ge-ta) = I bent my back
  • 左腕を曲げられない。(hi-da-ri-u-de-wo-ma-ge-ra-re-nai) = I cannot bend my left arm.
  • 痛みを和らげた (i-ta-mi-wo-ya-wa-ra-ge-ta) = it eased the pain
  • この薬は痛みを和らげるためによく使われる。(ko-no-ku-su-ri-wa-i-ta-mi-wo-ya-wa-ra-ge-ru-ta-me-ni-yo-ku-tsu-ka-wa-re-ru) = This medicine often is used to relieve pain. ("This medicine, to be used often for the sake of easing pain." / "You should often use this medicine to ease pain.")
  • この薬は筋肉痛を和らげる。(ko-no-ku-su-ri-wa-kin-ni-ku-tsū-wo-ya-wa-ra-ge-ru) = This medicine relieves muscle pain.
  • この重いダンベルを持ち上げて。(ko-no-o-mo-i-dan-be-ru-wo-mo-chi-a-ge-te) = Lift up these heavy dumbbells.
  • ...を持ち上げられない (...-wo-mo-chi-a-ge-ra-re-nai) = I cannot lift ...
  • [持ち上げる]

Lesson 3[]

  • ペース (pē-su) = pace
  • ペースを上げて。(pē-su-wo-a-ge-te) = Increase the pace.
  • 筋トレ (kin-to-re) = ( muscle / strength / weight ) training
  • ジョギング (jo-gin-gu) = jogging
  • 休憩しなさい (kyū-kei-shi-na-sai) = take a rest
  • 休憩しましょう (kyū-kei-shi-ma-shō) = let's take a rest
  • 定期的に (tei-ki-te-ki-ni) = regularly
  • 定期的にジョギングしますか?(tei-ki-te-ki-ni-jo-gin-gu-shi-ma-su-ka) = Do you jog regularly?
  • ここには定期的に来ているのですか?(ko-ko-ni-wa-tei-ki-te-ki-ni-ki-te-i-ru-no-de-su-ka) = Do you come here regularly?
  • ...に合わせる (...-ni-a-wa-se-ru) = to adapt to ...
  • 自分のペースに合わせて。(ji-bun-no-pē-su-ni-a-wa-se-te) = Go at your own pace.

Lesson 4[]

  • ができない。(i-ki-ga-de-ki-nai) = I can't breathe. [Reminder: 子 is 'son' / mu-su-ko]
  • 息を吸って。(i-ki-wo-su-tte) = Breathe in.
  • 息を深く吸って。(i-ki-wo-fu-ka-ku-su-tte) = Take a deep breath.
  • 体格 (tai-ka-ku) = physique / body type
  • あなたの彼氏は立派な体格をしている。(a-na-ta-no-ka-re-shi-wa-ri-ppa-na-tai-ka-ku-wo-shi-te-i-ru) = Your boyfriend has an amazing physique. ("Your boyfriend does an amazing physique.")
  • 姿勢 (shi-sei) = posture
  • それ以上 ... なくなった。(so-re-i-jō-...-na-ku-na-tta) = could not ... any longer
  • それ以上その姿勢を続けられなくなった。(so-re-i-jō-so-no-shi-sei-wo-tsu-zu-ke-ra-re-na-ku-na-tta) = I could not keep that posture any longer.
  • 腹筋 (fu-kkin) = abs / abdominal muscles
  • 腹筋運動 (fu-kkin-un-dō) = sit-ups
  • 家からここまでずっと走ってきた。(i-e-ka-ra-ko-ko-ma-de-zu-tto-ha-shi-tte-ki-ta) = I came running all the way here from home.      
    • 走ってきた ....come runing  はしって+ てはいけません   +できます
  • 廊下を走ってはいけません。(rō-ka-wo-ha-shi-tte-wa-i-ke-ma-sen) = You must not run in the hallway.
  • そんなに速く走られないよ。(son-na-ni-ha-ya-ku-ha-shi-ra-re-nai-yo) = I cannot run that fast.
  • [走った]

Lesson 5[]

  • 裸 (ha-da-ka) = naked / nude
  • 汗が出てきました。(a-se-ga-de-te-ki-ma-shi-ta) = I am starting to sweat.
  • たくましい男は更衣室から裸で出てきた。(ta-ku-ma-shī-o-to-ko-wa-kō-i-shi-tsu-ka-ra-ha-da-ka-de-de-te-ki-ta) = A strapping man came out naked from the locker room. (also, "a well-built man")
  • お湯が出ないんですが。(o-yu-ga-de-na-in-de-su-ga) = The hot water will not come out.
  • 着替え (ki-ga-e) = a change of clothes
  • 着替えを持ってくるのを忘れた。(ki-ga-e-wo-mo-tte-ku-ru-no-wo-wa-su-re-ta) = I forgot to bring a change of clothes.
  • 着替えてください。(ki-ga-e-te-ku-da-sai) = Please get dressed.
  • 更衣室 (kō-i-shi-tsu) = changing room
  • 着替えは更衣室でどうぞ。(ki-ga-e-wa-kō-i-shi-tsu-de-dō-zo) = Please change your clothes in the changing room
  • 姉は更衣室から出ていった。(a-ne-wa-kō-i-shi-tsu-ka-ra-de-te-i-tta) = My older sister left the changing room.
  • 更衣室でシャツを脱いだ。(kō-i-shi-tsu-de-sha-tsu-wo-nu-i-da) = I took off my shirt in the changing room.
  • 彼は帽子を脱いでテーブルの上に置いた。(ka-re-wa-bō-shi-wo-nu-i-de-tē-bu-ru-no-u-e-ni-o-i-ta) = He took off his hat and laid it on the table.
  • たくましい (ta-ku-ma-shī) = muscular
  • 夫はたくましい腕をしている。(o-tto-wa-ta-ku-ma-shī-u-de-wo-shi-te-i-ru) = My husband has muscular arms. ("My husband does muscular arms.")
  • [出る, 出た, 脱ぐ]

Lesson 6[]

  • 腕立て伏せ (u-de-ta-te-fu-se) = push-up / push-ups
  • 彼は毎朝腕立て伏せを二十回やる。(ka-re-wa-mai-a-sa-u-de-ta-te-fu-se-wo-ni-jū-kai-ya-ru) = He does twenty push ups every morning. ("He plays 20 push-ups every morning.")
  • 胸筋 (mu-na-kin) = chest muscles
  • 強化する / 強くする (kyō-ka-su-ru / tsu-yo-ku-su-ru) = to strengthen
  • 上腕二頭筋 (jō-wan-ni-tō-kin) = biceps
  • タンパク質 (tam-pa-ku-shi-tsu) = protein
  • 彼はタンパク質を豆から得る。(ka-re-wa-tan-pa-ku-shi-tsu-wo-ma-me-ka-ra-e-ru) = He gets protein from beans.
  • 見せびらかし (mi-se-bi-ra-ka-shi) = the act of showing off
  • 見せびらかしはやめて!(mi-se-bi-ra-ka-shi-wa-ya-me-te) = Stop showing off!
  • 彼は裸の体を見せびらかすのが好きだ。(ka-re-wa-ha-da-ka-no-ka-ra-da-wo-mi-se-bi-ra-ka-su-no-ga-su-ki-da) = He likes to show off his naked body.
  • [見せびらかした, 見せびらかす]

