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Space is the 107th skill (assuming read left to right) in the Japanese language course. It has 3 lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.


Lesson 1[]

  • 惑星 (wa-ku-sei) = planet
  • 宇宙 (u-chū) = space
  • 火星 (ka-sei) = Mars
  • 天文学者 (tem-mon-ga-ku-sha) = astronomer
  • 天文学 (tem-mon-ga-ku) = astronomy
  • 天文学者は地球が動いていると主張した。(tem-mon-ga-ku-sha-wa-chi-kyū-ga-u-goi-te-i-ru-to-shu-chō-shi-ta) = The astronomer claimed that the earth moves. [also, '...astronomer argued that ...']
  • 宇宙には多くの星が存在する。(u-chū-ni-wa-ō-ku-no-ho-shi-ga-son-zai-su-ru) = Many stars exist in the universe.
  • 惑星は星の周りを回ります。(wa-ku-sei-wa-ho-shi-no-ma-wa-ri-wo-ma-wa-ri-ma-su) = Planets revolve around stars.
  • 火星に水は存在するのだろうか。(ka-sei-ni-mi-zu-wa-son-zai-su-ru-no-da-rō-ka) = I wonder if water exists on Mars.

Lesson 2[]

  • 無限 (mu-gen) = infinite / unlimited [無限月読(むげんつくようみ) means 'Infinite Tsukuyōmi']
  • 我々の時間は無限ではない。(wa-re-wa-re-no-ji-kan-wa-mu-gen-de-wa-nai) = Our time is not unlimited.
  • 愛は無限です。(ai-wa-mu-gen-de-su) = Love is boundless.
  • 君には無限の可能性がある。(ki-mi-ni-wa-mu-gen-no-ka-nō-sei-ga-a-ru) = You have unlimited possibilities.
  • 宇宙を探検しよう。(u-chū-wo-tan-ken-shi-yō) = Let's explore the universe.
  • 探検家 (tan-ken-ka) = explorer
  • 宇宙飛行士 (u-chū-hi-kō-shi) = astronaut
  • 太陽系 (tai-yō-kei) = solar system
  • 宇宙飛行士たちは太陽系を探検している。(u-chū-hi-kō-shi-ta-chi-wa-tai-yō-kei-wo-tan-ken-shi-te-i-ru) = Astronauts are exploring the solar system.
  • 火星は太陽系の四番目の惑星だ。(ka-sei-wa-tai-yō-kei-no-yom-ban-me-no-wa-ku-sei-da) = Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system.
  • 私の夢は宇宙飛行士になって火星に行くことです。(wa-ta-shi-no-yu-me-wa-u-chū-hi-kō-shi-ni-na-tte-ka-sei-ni-i-ku-ko-to-de-su) = My dream is to become an astronaut and go to Mars. [Think of having a comma between 'て' and '火星', so the grammar of joining two clauses applies.]

Lesson 3[]

  • 宇宙船 (u-chō-sen) = spaceship ("space ship")
  • 重力 (jū-ryo-ku) = gravity ("power of heaviness / heavy power / heavy's power")
  • 月の重力は地球の六分の一である。(tsu-ki-no-jū-ryo-ku-wa-chi-kyū-no-ro-ppun-no-hi-to-tsu-de-a-ru) = The moon's gravity is one-sixth of the earth's.
  • 重力は自然の四つの力の一つである。(jū-ryo-ku-wa-shi-zen-no-yo-ttsu-no-chi-ka-ra-no-hi-to-tsu-de-a-ru) = Gravity is one of the four forces of nature.
  • 無重力 (mu-jū-ryo-ku) = zero-gravity ("free from weight's power")
  • 実験は無重力の環境で行なわれた。(ji-kken-wa-mu-jū-ryo-ku-no-kan-kyō-de-o-ko-na-wa-re-ta) = The experiment was conducted in a zero gravity environment.
  • ロケット (ro-ke-tto) = rocket
  • 政府はロケットを発射した。(sei-fu-wa-ro-ke-tto-wo-hash-sha-shi-ta) = The government fired a rocket.
  • らは空にロケットを発射した。(ra-wa-ka-ra-ni-ro-ke-tto-wo-hash-sha-shi-ta) = They fired a rocket into the sky.
  • 発射台 (hash-sha-dai) = launch pad
  • ...を打ち上げた (...-wo-u-chi-a-ge-ta) = I launched ... .
  • 政府は宇宙船を宇宙に打ち上げた。(sei-fu-wa-u-chū-sen-wo-u-chū-ni-u-chi-a-ge-ta) = The government launched a spaceship into space.
  • 宇宙船は宇宙に打ち上げられた。(u-chū-sen-wa-u-chū-ni-u-chi-a-ge-ra-re-ta) = The spaceship was launched into space.

