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Science 1 is the 60th skill (assuming read left to right) in the Japanese language course. It has 6 lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.


Lesson 1[]

  • 固い (ka-tai) = hard/stiff (かたい)
  • 頭が固すぎ = too stubborn
  • (adj.)すぎます ((adj.)-su-gi-ma-su) = it is too (adj.)
  • 科学 (ka-ga-ku) = SCIENCE
  • 柔らかく(ya-wa-ra-ka-ku) = tenderly, softly
  • 柔らかすぎる (ya-wa-ra-ka su-gi-ru) = is too soft
  • お調べします (o-shi-ra-be-shi-ma-su) = I will check (おしらべします)
  • 調べて (shi-ra-be-te) = check it
  • 変わった (ka-wat-ta) = it changed/transformed; [when used as an adjective] weird
  • 変えた (ka-e-ta) = I changed it
  • 変えてもらった (ka-e-te-mo-rat-ta) = I had it changed

Lesson 2[]

  • 研究 (ken-kyū) = research/study
  • 比べて (ku-ra-be-te) = compared
  • X は Y に比べて(adj.)です (X wa Y ni ku-ra-be-te (adj.) de-su) = X is (は) (adj.) compared to (に) Y
  • 大きさ (ō-ki-sa) = size
  • 変え (ka-e) = change
  • 予約 (yo-ya-ku) = appointment
  • 初心者 (sho-shin-sha) = novice

Lesson 3[]

  • 測ります (ha-ka-ri-ma-su) = I take a measurement (はかり)
  • 測ってみてください (ha-kat-te-mi-te-ku-da-sai) = please try to measure
  • 深さ (fu-ka-sa) = depth
  • 幅 (ha-ba) = width (はば)
  • 長さ (na-ga-sa) = length
  • 高さ (ta-ka-sa) = height

Lesson 4[]

  • 重さ (o-mo-sa) = weight
  • 寒さ (sa-mu-sa) = the cold
  • 量ります (ha-ka-ri-ma-su) = measure weight and volume
  • 秤 (ha-ka-ri) = scale/scales (はかり)
  • 科学者 (ka-ga-ku-sha) = scientist
  • 寒さ (sa-mu-sa) = the cold; coldness
  • 置いてください (o-i-te-ku-da-sai) = please put it
  • 多くの動物 (ō-ku-no-dō-bu-tsu) = a large proportion of animals
  • 感じませんか (kan-ji-ma-sen-ka) = don't you feel

Lesson 5[]

  • 専攻 (sen-kō) = (school) major
  • 専攻している (sen-kō-shi-te-i-ru) = is majoring in
  • 化学 (ka-ga-ku) = CHEMISTRY
  • 地質学 (chi-shi-tsu-ga-ku) = GEOLOGY
  • 生物学 (sei-bu-tsu-ga-ku) = BIOLOGY
  • 用意 (yōi) = preparation
  • 用意ができた (yō-i-ga-de-ki-ta) = preparation is done / is ready
  • 用意ができていません (yō-i-ga-de-ki-te-i-ma-sen) = not ready
  • 教えてくれた (o-shi-e-te-ku-re-ta) = taught me / told me
  • 教えてくれた先生 (o-shi-e-te-ku-re-ta-sen-sei) = The teacher who taught me

Lesson 6[]

  • 生じました (shō-ji-ma-shi-ta) = has occurred; has taken place
    • どのくらいの変化が生じましたか? How much change has taken place
  • 生じた (shō-ji-ta) = has arisen / occured
  • 反応 (han-nō) = response / reaction
  • ほとんど (ho-ton-do) = hardly
  • 物理学 (bu-tsu-ri-ga-ku) = PHYSICS
  • 物理学者 (bu-tsu-ri-ga-ku-sha) = physicist
  • 実験 (jik-ken) = experiment
  • 実験をした (jik-ken-wo-shi-ta) = conducted an experiment
  • 変化 (hen-ka) = change(s)
  • あまり変化がなかった (a-ma-ri-hen-ka-ga-na-ka-tta) = There have not been many changes

