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Home 3 is the 102th skill (assuming read left to right) in the Japanese language course. It has 5 lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.

On ()れる[]

... を 切った = I cut ...
... を 切れる = I cut ... (general tense)

... 切れる is when the object itself snapped, but
... 切れる is when you snapped the object.


Lesson 1[]

  • 炊飯器 (sui-han-ki) = rice cooker
  • 父は高い電気炊飯器を買った。(chi-chi-wa-ta-kai-den-ki-sui-han-ki-wo-ka-tta) = My father bought an expensive electric rice cooker.
  • ...を切った (...-wo-ki-tta) = I cut ...
  • ...を切れる (...-wo-ki-re-ru) = I cut ... (general tense)
  • 言葉は剣より切れる。(ko-to-ba-wa-ken-yo-ri-ki-re-ru) = Words cut more than swords. ("Words can cut more ...", or "Words, swords more than which, they can cut." [Notice the bad grammar in the Japanese, "Words cut more than the amount that swords cut." Don't compare an act of cutting to a sword!])
  • この包丁はあまり切れない。(ko-no-hō-chō-wa-a-ma-ri-ki-re-nai) = This knife does not cut very well.
  • ...を炊きました (...-wo-ta-ki-ma-shi-ta) = I cooked ...
  • ...を炊いた (...-wo-tai-ta) = I cooked ...
  • ...を炊いてください (...-wo-tai-te-ku-da-sai) = Please cook ...
  • 包丁 (hō-chō) = kitchen knife
  • 習慣 (shū-kan) = custom / practice / habit
  • 読書 (do-ku-sho) = book reading
  • 読書する暇がない。(do-ku-sho-su-ru-hi-ma-ga-nai) = I have no time to read. ("The time to read does not exist."/"The to-read time does not exist.")
  • [切れて, 切れなく, 切らないで, 切れ, お切り]

Lesson 2[]

  • 引き出し (hi-ki-da-shi) = drawer
  • 引き出しを閉めてください。(hi-ki-da-shi-wo-shi-me-te-ku-da-sai) = Please close the drawer.
  • お金を引き出しにしまった。(o-ka-ne-wo-hi-ki-da-shi-ni-shi-ma-tta) = I put away the money in the drawer.
  • 彼女は私たちを夕食に招いてくれた。(ka-no-jo-wa-wa-ta-shi-ta-chi-wo-yū-sho-ku-ni-ma-ne-i-te-ku-re-ta) = She invited us to dinner.
  • お招きいただきありがとうございます。(o-ma-ne-ki-i-ta-da-ki-a-ri-ga-tō-go-zai-ma-su) = Thank you very much for inviting me.
  • ご自宅 / 自宅 (go-ji-ta-ku / ji-ta-ku) = home
  • 自宅にお電話ください。(ji-ta-ku-ni-o-den-wa-ku-da-sai) = Please call my home.
  • 彼を自宅に招いた。(ka-re-wo-ji-ta-ku-ni-ma-ne-i-ta) = I invited him to my home.
  • 住宅 (jū-ta-ku) = housing
  • 住宅不足は重大な社会問題である。(jū-ta-ku-bu-so-ku-wa-jū-dai-na-sha-kai-mon-dai-de-a-ru) = The housing shortage is a serious social issue.
  • 犠牲者は主に古い木の住宅に住んでいる人たちだった。(gi-sei-sha-wa-o-mo-ni-fu-rui-ki-no-jū-ta-ku-ni-sun-de-i-ru-hi-to-ta-chi-da-tta) = The victims were primarily people living in old wooden housing. ("The victims, regarding them, primarily it was living-at-old-wood's-housing people." or "...it was old-wood's-housing-at-which-live people.")
  • お住まい / 住まい (o-su-mai / su-mai) = residence / home
  • お住まいはどちらですか?(o-su-mai-wa-do-chi-ra-de-su-ka) = Where is your residence? ("Which way...")
  • この建物は住まい向きにできている。(ko-no-ta-te-mo-no-wa-su-mai-mu-ki-ni-de-ki-te-i-ru) = This building is designated as a residence.
  • 彼は大都会に住むことを寂しい感じた。(ka-re-wa-dai-to-kai-ni-su-mu-ko-to-wo-sa-bi-shī-to-kan-ji-ta) = He felt lonely living in a big city. / He felt that it was [isolating / lonely] [living / residing] in [a / the] [big / large] city.
  • いいお住まいですね。(ī-o-su-mai-de-su-ne) = You have a nice residence. ("It is a good/fine residence, isn't it?")
  • イタリアに住みたい。(i-ta-ri-a-ni-su-mi-tai) = I want to live in Italy.
  • この町はとても住みやすい。(ko-no-ma-chi-wa-to-te-mo-su-mi-ya-sui) = This town is very easy/comfortable to live in.
  • 屋根裏部屋 (ya-ne-u-ra-be-ya) = attic
  • [住める]

Lesson 3[]

  • 土 (tsu-chi) = soil / dirt / earth [tsuchikage!! 💪]
  • ここは土が悪い。(ko-ko-wa-tsu-chi-ga-wa-rui) = The soil here is poor.
  • ここは土のにおいがする。(ko-ko-wa-tsu-chi-no-ni-oi-ga-su-ru) = It smells like soil here.
  • 泥 (do-ro) = mud
  • 清潔 (sei-ke-tsu) = clean
  • 部屋を清潔にしておきなさい。(he-ya-wo-sei-ke-tsu-ni-shi-te-o-ki-na-sai) = Keep your room clean.
  • 直美はいつも手を清潔にしている。(nao-mi-wa-i-tsu-mo-te-wo-sei-ke-tsu-ni-shi-te-i-ru) = Naomi always keeps her hands clean.
  • 汚れた (yo-go-re-ta) = It got dirty
  • 白い手袋はすぐ汚れる。(shi-roi-te-bu-ku-ro-wa-su-gu-yo-go-re-ru) = White gloves get dirty quickly.
  • 彼の指輪は泥で汚れている。(ka-re-no-yu-bi-wa-do-ro-de-yo-go-re-te-i-ru) = His fingers are dirty with mud.
  • くしゃくしゃ (ku-sha-ku-sha) = wrinkled / crumpled / messy
  • 彼はくしゃくしゃのシャツを着ている。(ka-re-wa-ku-sha-ku-sha-no-sha-tsu-wo-ki-te-i-ru) = He is wearing a wrinkled/wrinkly shirt.

Lesson 4[]

  • 扉 (to-bi-ra) = door
  • 生地 (sei-chi) = material
  • 配管工 (hai-kan-kō) = plumber
  • 配管工は扉を開けようとした。(hai-kan-kō-wa-to-bi-ra-wo-a-ke-yō-to-shi-ta) = The plumber tried to open the door.
  • カーテン (kā-ten) = curtain
  • 扉が開かれた。(to-bi-ra-ga-hi-ra-ka-re-ta) = The door was opened.
  • その本のおかげで彼は新しい世界に目を開かれた。(so-no-hon-no-o-ka-ge-de-ka-re-wa-a-ta-ra-shī-se-kai-ni-me-wo-hi-ra-ka-re-ta) = His eyes were opened to a new world thanks to that book.
  • 扉を開けようとしたが無駄だった。(to-bi-ra-wo-a-ke-yō-to-shi-ta-ga-mu-da-da-tta) = I tried to open the door but it was no use.
  • 配管工は赤いキノコを盗もうとして捕まった。(hai-kan-kō-wa-a-kai-ki-no-ko-wo-nu-su-mo-u-to-shi-te-tsu-ka-ma-tta) = The plumber was caught trying to steal a red mushroom.
  • [開かれて]

Lesson 5[]

  • 糸 (i-to) = thread [in sewing]
  • 糸が切れた。(i-to-ga-ki-re-ta) = The thread snapped.
  • ...を縫った (nu-tta) = I sewed ...
  • 糸で結びなさい。(i-to-de-mu-su-bi-na-sai) = Tie it with a thread.
  • 彼は口を固く結んだ。(ka-re-wa-ku-chi-wo-ko-tei-ku-mu-sun-da) = He shut his mouth firmly.
  • 木綿 (mo-men) = cotton
  • 木綿のシャツを三枚買った。(mo-men-no-sha-tsu-wo-san-mai-ka-tta) = I bought three cotton shirts.
  • 彼は木綿のセーターを着ている。(ka-re-wa-mo-men-no-sē-tā-wo-ki-te-i-ru) = He is wearing a cotton sweater.
  • 木綿のシャツは良く/よく汗を吸う。(mo-men-no-sha-tsu-wa-yo-ku-a-se-wo-sū) = Cotton shirts absorb sweat well.
  • [縫って, 縫えない]

