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Health 1 is the 46th skill (assuming read left to right) in the Japanese language course. It has 7 lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

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Lesson 1[]

  • 足 (a-shi) = foot/leg (あし)
  • 痛い (ita-i) = painful; sore (いたい)
  • 痛いです (ita-i-de-su) = it hurts (いたいです)
  • 痛くないです (ita-ku-na-i-de-su) = it does not hurt (いたくないです
  • 頭 (a-ta-ma) = head (あたま)
  • 頭がいい (atama-ga-ii) = smart; being smart ("good head"); I am smart (あたまがいい)
  • 風邪 (ka-ze) = a cold (かぜ)
  • 引く (hi-ku) = to pull; to lead; to catch (a cold); to look up (ひく)
  • 引いて (hi-i-te) = I caught/have (a cold) (ひいて)
  • お腹 (o-na-ka) = stomach (おなか)

Lesson 2[]

  • 体 (ka-ra-da) = body (からだ)
  • 体が大きい (karada-ga-oo-ki-i) = big body; big boned; stocky; between fat and strong (からだがおおきい)
  • 薬 (ku-su-ri) = medicine (くすり)
  • 背 (se) = one's height (せ)
  • 背が高い (se-ga-taka-i) = tall (person); I am tall (せがたかい)
  • 背が低い (se-ga-hiku-i) = short (person); I am short (せがひくい)
  • 医者 (i-sha) = doctor (いしゃ)
  • 呼ぶ (yo-bu) = to call out; to call; to invoke (よぶ)
  • 医者を呼んでください (i-sha-wo-yo-n-de-ku-da-sa-i) = please call a doctor (いしゃをよんでください)

Lesson 3[]

  • 顔 (ka-o) = face (かお)
  • 口 (ku-chi) = mouth (くち)
  • 手 (te) = hand (て)
  • 鼻 (ha-na) = nose (はな)
  • 鼻水 (ha-na mi-zu) = nasal mucus
  • ぶどう (bu-dō) = grapes
  • 病気 (byō-ki) = sick (びょうき)
  • 病気だ (byō-ki-da) = I am sick (びょうきだ)
  • 気持ちが悪いです (ki-mo-chi-ga-wa-rui-de-su) = I feel sick/unwell ("My feelings are bad.") (きもちがわるいです)
  • (...)すぎる ((...)-su-gi-ru) = (Used as an Auxiliary Verb in this lesson) (6) to (be) too much; to be too ... (v1, vi, suf) (uk)
    • (verb stem) + すぎる = too much (of a verb); e.g. eat too much, drink too much, etc.
      • すぎます (su-gi-ma-su) = it is too much/too many
      • 食べ + すぎた (ta-be-su-gi-ta) = ate too many/too much (たべすぎた)
      • 飲み + すぎて (yo-mi-su-gi-te) = drank too much (よみすぎて)
    • (adjective stem) + すぎる = too much (of an adjective); e.g. too cold, far too many, etc.
      • 多い (ō-i) = many; numerous; a lot; large amount of (おおい)
      • 多 + すぎる (ō-su-gi-ru) = to be far too many/far too much (おおすぎる)
      • かわいい (ka-wa-i-i) = cute; adorable; charming
      • かわい + すぎる (ka-wa-i-su-gi-ru) = to be too cute/too adorable

Lesson 4[]

  • 耳 (mimi) = ear/eyes, hearing (みみ)
  • 目 (me) = eye/eyes (め)
  • 髪 (kami) = hair (on the head) (かみ)
  • ん (n) = emphasis
  • 切る (ki-ru) = to cut; to cut through (きる)
  • 髪を切りました (kami-wo-ki-ri-ma-shi-ta)= I cut my hair/I got a haircut (かみをきりました)
  • 洗う (ara-u) = to wash; to cleanse; to rinse (あらう)
  • 洗いませんでした (ara-i-ma-sen-de-shi-ta) = I did not wash it (あらいませんでした)
  • 寒いんだ (samu-i-n-da) = it's cold (さむいんだ)
  • 欲しいんです (ho-shi-i-n-de-su) = I would like (ほしいんです)

Lesson 5[]

  • 歯 (ha) = tooth/teeth (は)
  • 眼鏡 (me-ga-ne) = glasses (めがね)
  • 背中 (se-na-ka) = back (せなか)
  • まっすぐ (ma-ssu-gu) = straight; upright; erect
  • まっすぐにしてください (ma-ssu-gu-ni-shi-te-ku-da-sai) = please straighten it
  • 磨く (miga-ku) = (1) to polish; to shine; to brush (teeth) (v5k, vt) (みがく)
  • 歯を磨く (ha-wo-miga-ku) = (exp,v5k) to brush one's teeth (はをみがく)
  • 磨きます (mi-ga-ki-ma-su) = I brush/polish (みがきます)
  • 磨きましたか?(mi-ga-ki-ma-shi-ta-ka) = did you brush/polish? (みがきましたか)
  • 磨いてください (mi-ga-i-te-ku-da-sai) = please brush/polish (みがいてください)
  • 磨かないでください (mi-ga-ka-nai-de-ku-da-sai) = please do not brush/polish (みがかないでください)

Lesson 6[]

  • あった (a-tta) = there was/there were
  • 何か (na-ni-ka) = something (なにか)
  • あったんですか? (a-ttan-de-su-ka) = did happen?
  • 何かあったんですか? (na-ni-ka-a-ttan-de-su-ka) = did something happen? (なにかあったんですか)
  • だった (da-tta) = was/were
  • どうだった?(dō-da-tta) = how was it?
  • どうしたの?(dō-shi-ta-no) = what's wrong?
  • 帰る (kae-ru) = to go home; return (to origin); to come home; to go back (かえる)
  • 帰った (kae-tta) = I returned/came back/go home (かえった)
  • 運転手 (un-ten-shu) = driver; chauffeur (うんてんしゅ)
  • 親切 (shin-setsu) = kind; gentle; considerate; generous (しんせつ)
  • (reason) + ので + (conclusion) = Because of (reason) -> (conclusion)
  • (action) + ほうがいい (hō-ga-i-i) = you should/It would be best to (action)
  • 休む (yasu-mu) = (2) to rest; to have a break (v5m, vi) (やすむ)
  • 休んだ (ya-sun-da) = I will rest/get some rest/take a day off, I rested/took a day off (やすんだ)
  • 運動 (un-dou) = exercise; physical training; workout; sports (うんどう)
  • 運動する (un-dou-su-ru) = (to) exercise; (to) workout (suru-verb) (うんどうする)
  • 運動するのです (un-dō-su-ru-no-de-su) = I work out/I exercise (うんどうするのです)
  • 運動するのですか?(un-dō-su-ru-no-de-su-ka) = do you work out/exercise? (うんどうするのですか)
  • 運動した (un-dō-shi-ta) = I worked out/I exercised (うんどうした)
  • きれいにした (ki-rei-ni-shi-ta) = I cleaned

Lesson 7[]

  • ある (a-ru) = plain form of to be; to exist (e.g. It is/there is)
  • ない (na-i) = plain negative of ある (e.g. It isn't/there isn't)
  • あった (a-tta) = plain past of ある (e.g. It was/there was)
  • なかった (na-ka-tta) = plain past negative of ある (e.g. It wasn't/there wasn't)
  • 私はお金がなかった (watashi-wa-o-kane-ga-na-ka-tta) = I had no money (literally: "there wasn't any money")
  • なる (na-ru) = (1) to become; to get; to grow; (...) (v5r, vi) (uk)
  • なった (na-tta) = it became/it got
  • (adverbial) + なる = to become (adverbial)
  • 暑い (atsu-i) = hot; warm; heated (あつい)
  • 暑く (connective form of 暑い) + なる (atsu-ku-na-ru)= to become hot (あつくなる)
  • 暑く + なった (atsu-ku-na-tta)= it became hot (あつくなった)
  • 勉強 + する (ben-kyou-su-ru) = to study (べんきょうする)
  • 勉強しなかった (ben-kyou-shi-na-ka-tta) = I did not study (べんきょうしなかった)
  • 運動 + する (un-dou-su-ru) = to exercise; to workout (うんどうする)
  • 運動しない (un-dō-shi-nai) = I do not exercise (うんどうしない)
  • 運動しなかった (un-dō-shi-na-ka-tta) = I did not exercise (うんどうしなかった)
  • 食べる (ta-be-ru) = to eat (たべる)
  • 食べてない (ta-be-te-nai) = I have not eaten (たべてない)
  • 食べていなかった (ta-be-tei-na-ka-tta) = I was not eating (たべていなかった)
  • 飲む (no-mu) = to drink; to gulp; to swallow (のむ)
  • 飲んでいなかった (non-de-i-na-ka-tta) = I was not drinking (のんでいなかった)
  • 答える (kota-e-ru) = to answer; to reply (v1, vi) (P) (こたえる)
  • 答えた (ko-ta-e-ta) = I answered (こたえた)
  • 浴びる (a-bi-ru) = to take (a shower) (あびる)
  • 浴びた (a-bi-ta) = I took/I bathed (あびた)
  • 読む (yo-mu) = to read; to recite; to chant (よむ)
  • 読んでいた (yon-dei-ta) = I was reading (よんでいた)
  • 太る (futo-ru) = to gain weight; to put on weight; (...) (v5r, vi) (P) (ふとる)
  • もっと太っていました (mo-tto-fu-to-tte-i-ma-shi-ta) = I was fatter (もっとふとっていました)
  • 痩せ (ya-se) = thin (やせ)
  • 痩せていた (ya-se-te-i-ta) = I was thin (やせていた)
  • 痩せていません (ya-se-te-i-ma-sen) = I am not thin (やせていません)
  • 待つ (ma-tsu) = to wait; to await; to look forward to (まつ)
  • 待っていてください (ma-tte-i-te-ku-da-sai) = please wait (まっていてください)

