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Dentist is the 111th skill (assuming read left to right) in the Japanese language course. It has 3 lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

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Lesson 1[]

  • 虫歯 (mu-shi-ba) = dental cavity / decayed tooth
  • 私は虫歯が二本ある。(wa-ta-shi-wa-mu-shi-ba-ga-ni-hon-a-ru) = I have two dental cavities.
  • 歯痛 (ha-i-ta / shi-tsū) = toothache
  • 私は歯痛で目を覚ました。(wa-ta-shi-wa-ha-i-ta / shi-tsū-de-me-wo-sa-ma-shi-ta) = I woke up from a toothache. ("Regarding me, a toothache, like that, I woke up." or "I woke up in the style of a toothache.") [Either I woke up because of a toothache or when I woke up my tooth was aching. We can't really know which since the sentence merely evokes the association rather than being caused by a toothache.]
  • 彼は歯痛で苦しんでいる。(ka-re-wa-shi-tsū-de-ku-ru-shin-de-i-ru) = He is suffering from a toothache.
  • 乳歯 (nyū-shi) = baby teeth ("milk teeth")  にゅうし 
  • 歯磨き (ha-mi-ga-ki) = the act of brushing the teeth
  • 歯磨きをしている。(ha-mi-ga-ki-wo-shi-te-i-ru) = I am brushing my teeth.
  • 歯磨きが上手だ。(ha-mi-ga-ki-ga-jō-zu-da) = You are good at brushing your teeth.
  • 私は歯を抜いてもらった。(wa-ta-shi-wa-ha-wo-nui-te-mo-ra-tta) = I got my tooth extracted / pulled out / removed.
  • 抜けた (nu-ke-ta) = it fell out ぬけた
  • 娘の最後の乳歯が抜けた。(mu-su-me-no-sai-go-no-nyū-shi-ga-nu-ke-ta) = My daughter's last baby tooth fell out.
  • 下の歯が一本抜けてしまった。(shi-ta-no-ha-ga-i-ppon-nu-ke-te-shi-ma-tta) = One of my lower teeth ended up falling out.
  • 歯医者 (ha-i-sha) = dentist ("tooth doctor")
  • 歯医者で虫歯を抜いてもらった。(ha-i-sha-de-mu-shi-ba-wo-nui-te-mo-ra-tta) = I got a decayed tooth pulled out at the dentist's. ("I got a decayed tooth pulled out by the way of the dentist.")
  • ズキズキ / ずきずきします (zu-ki-zu-ki-shi-ma-su) = it is throbbing / pulsing with pain
  • 頭は大丈夫ですが、首はズキズキします。(a-ta-ma-wa-dai-jō-bu-de-su-ga, ku-bi-wa-zu-ki-zu-ki-shi-ma-su) = My head is okay, but my neck is throbbing.
  • 歯がずきずきします。(ha-ga-zu-ki-zu-ki-shi-ma-su) = My tooth is throbbing (with pain).

Lesson 2[]

  • 頬 (ho-ho) = cheek
  • 彼女は私の頬を叩いた。(ka-no-jo-wa-wa-ta-shi-no-ho-ho-wo-ta-tai-ta) = She slapped my cheek. ("She beat against my cheek.")
  • 歯石 (shi-se-ki) = tartar ("tooth rocks") [Tartar is tooth plaque that has reached an advanced state of hardening onto the teeth[1].]
  • 歯医者で歯石を取ってもらいました。(ha-i-sha-de-shi-se-ki-wo-to-tte-mo-rai-ma-shi-ta) = I got my tartar removed at the dentist's. ("I got my tartar taken away by means of the dentist.")
  • 歯茎 (ha-gu-ki) = gums
  • 喉が腫れて熱が出てきた。(no-do-ga-ha-re-te-ne-tsu-ga-de-te-ki-ta) = My throat was swollen, and I developed a fever. ("I developed a fever whilst my throat was swollen." or "腫れて出てきた。/ I developed while swelling.")
  • 歯茎が腫れている。(ha-gu-ki-ga-ha-re-te-i-ru) = My gums are swollen (“My gums are swelling”).
  • 溜まる (ta-ma-ru) = To accumulate / to pile up / to save
  • 歯茎に歯石がたまっています。(ha-gu-ki-ni-shi-se-ki-ga-ta-ma-tte-i-ma-su) = Tartar has built up at your gums. ("...is building up.")
  • 歯茎に歯石がまっています。(ha-gu-ki-ni-shi-se-ki-ga-ta-ma-tte-i-ma-su) = Tartar has built up at your gums.

Lesson 3[]

  • ...を診る (...-wo-mi-ru) = I examined ...
  • ちょっと喉を診ましょう。(cho-tto-no-do-wo-mi-ma-shō) = Let's examine your throat for a moment.
  • 医者に行って診てもらったほうがいいかな。(i-sha-ni-i-tte-mi-te-mo-ra-tta-hou-ga-ī-ka-na) = I wonder if I should go get seen by a doctor.
  • 歯科医 (shi-kai / shi-ka-i) = dentist
  • 歯科医に診てもらっていた。(shi-kai-ni-mi-te-mo-ra-tte-i-ta) = I was getting examined by the dentist. (“...examined at the dentist.”)
  • できるだけすぐに歯科医に診てもらいに行きなさい。(de-ki-ru-da-ke-su-gu-ni-shi-kai-ni-mi-te-mo-rai-ni-i-ki-na-sai) = Go get checked by your dentist as soon as possible.
  • 衛生学 (ei-sei-ga-ku) = Hygienics (the branch of knowledge 🧻)
  • 医学生に衛生学を教えている。(i-ga-ku-sei-ni-ei-sei-ga-ku-wo-o-shi-e-te-i-ru) = I am teaching hygienics to medical students.
  • 歯科衛生 (shi-ka-ei-sei) = dental hygiene  しか えいせい
  • 歯科衛生に気をつけてください。(shi-ka-ei-sei-ni-ki-wo-tsu-ke-te-ku-da-sai) = Please pay attention to your dental hygiene.
  • 歯科衛生士 (shi-ka-ei-sei-shi) = dental hygienist
  • 私は歯科衛生士だから歯磨きが大好きです。(wa-ta-shi-wa-shi-ka-ei-sei-shi-da-ka-ra-ha-mi-ga-ki-ga-dai-su-ki-de-su) = I am a dental hygienist so I love brushing my teeth.
  • ...をすすいでください。(...-wo-su-sui-de-ku-da-sai) = Please rinse ... out.
  • ...をすすぎなさい。(...-wo-su-su-gi-na-sai) = Rinse ... .
  • 口を水ですすぎなさい。(ku-chi-wo-mi-zu-de-su-su-gi-na-sai) = Rinse your mouth with water.
  • 石鹸の水をすすぎなさい。(se-kken-no-mi-zu-wo-su-su-gi-na-sai) = Rinse out the soapy water. (aka. ‘Rinse the object off its soapy water.’)

