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Cooking 3 is the 113th skill (assuming read left to right) in the Japanese language course. It has 5 lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.


Lesson 1[]

  • [off-lesson] くし (ku-shi) = comb
  • チーズ (chī-zu) = cheese [Notes on チーズ and ancient related words here[1]]
  • チーズを二切れください。= (slices of cheese) ... .
  • チーズを薄く切ります。(chī-zu-wo-u-su-ku-ki-ri-ma-su) = Cut the cheese thinly. [-ます is used for command in Cookbooks / Manuals[2]]
  • はい、チーズ!(hai-chī-zu) = Say cheese!
  • フライパン (fu-rai-pan) = frying pan
  • 蒸気 (jō-ki) = vapour (also, ‘steam’)
    (‘steam’ is the vapour formed at the boiling temperature; ‘vapour’ occurs at any temp.; ‘steam’ is a type of ‘vapour’.)
  • ごま (go-ma) = sesame
  • 熱する (ne-ssu-ru) = to heat
  • 水は熱すると蒸気になる。(mi-zu-wa-ne-ssu-ru-to-jō-ki-ni-na-ru) = Water turns into steam when you heat it. (‘..turns steam with heating.’)
  • ...を熱します (...-wo-ne-sshi-ma-su) = I heat ... . / Heat ... .
  • ...を溶かします (...-wo-to-ka-shi-ma-su) = I melt ... . / I dissolve ... .
  • バターを溶かします。(ba-tā-wo-to-ka-shi-ma-su) = Melt the butter.
  • 砂糖を水に溶かします。(sa-tō-wo-mi-zu-ni-to-ka-shi-ma-su) = Dissolve the sugar in water. ('Dissolve the sugar water-wise.')
  • ...を溶かしてください (...-wo-to-ka-shi-te-ku-da-sai) = Please melt ... . [From Lesson 2]
  • フライパンにごま油を熱してバターを溶かします。(fu-rai-pan-ni-go-ma-a-bu-ra-wo-ne-shi-te-ba-tā-wo-to-ka-shi-ma-su) = Heat the sesame oil in a frying pan and melt the butter.
  • [熱して]

Lesson 2[]

  • 缶 (kan) = can 🥫 (canned food, a can of beer...)
  • 容器 (yō-ki) = container
  • ...を冷やしてください (...-wo-hi-ya-shi-te-ku-da-sai) = Please chill ... .
  • 冷蔵庫でビールを冷やしてください。(rei-zō-ko-de-bī-ru-wo-hi-ya-shi-te-ku-da-sai) = Please chill the beer in the refrigerator.
  • カボチャ (ka-bo-cha) = pumpkin
  • べたべた (be-ta-be-ta) = sticky
  • 汗でべたべたです。(a-se-de-be-ta-be-ta-de-su) = I am sticky with sweat.
  • 彼の尻は汗でべたべたしていた。(ka-re-no-shi-ri-wa-a-se-de-be-ta-be-ta-shi-te-i-ta) = His butt was sticky with sweat.
  • チョコレート (cho-ko-rē-to) = chocolate
  • 暗いチョコレート (ku-rai-cho-ko-rē-to) = dark chocolate
  • 私はチョコレートケーキと紅茶にします。(wa-ta-shi-wa-cho-ko-rē-to-kē-ki-to-kō-cha-ni-shi-ma-su) = I will have chocolate cake and black tea. (‘I will do at chocolate cake and black tea.’)
  • [冷やし]

Lesson 3[]

  • ジャム (ja-mu) = jam
  • はちみつ (ha-chi-mi-tsu) = honey
  • 酢 (su) = vinegar
  • 酢と醤油を混ぜる。(su-to-shō-yu-wo-ma-ze-ru) = Mix the vinegar and the soy sauce.
  • 古い酢を流しに注いだ。(fu-rui-su-wo-na-ga-shi-ni-so-soi-da) = I poured the old vinegar into the sink. (‘..poured at the sink.’)
  • ..を塗ります (...-wo-nu-ri-ma-su) = I spread ... .
  • はちみつをパンに塗った。(ha-chi-mi-tsu-wo-pan-ni-nu-tta) = I spread the honey on the bread. (‘..spread at the bread.’)
  • パンにバターを塗りなさい。(pan-ni-ba-tā-wo-nu-ri-na-sai) = Spread the butter on the bread.
  • イチゴ / いちご (i-chi-go) = strawberry
  • [塗って]

Lesson 4[]

  • ...の皮をむきなさい (...-no-ka-wa-wo-mu-ki-na-sai) = Peel ... . (‘Peel ...'s skin.’)
  • 私はリンゴの皮をむくのが下手だ。(wa-ta-shi-wa-rin-go-no-ka-wa-wo-mu-ku-no-ga-he-ta-da) = I am bad at peeling apples. (‘Regarding me, I am bad concerning the act of peeling apples' skin.’)
  • 普通皮をむかないでリンゴを食べる。(fu-tsū-ka-wa-wo-mu-ka-nai-de-rin-go-wo-ta-be-ru) = I usually eat apples without peeling them. (Approx. ~ ‘Normally, I eat apples in the way of not peeling the skin.’ Also, ‘usually, I don't peel the skin and [then] eat the apple.[3]’)
  • Note:「普通に」or even「普通的に」would be incorrect here because either of these modifies the verb (食べる or むく in this sentence) and means ‘in a normal way’, or ‘as I/we normally do’ or ‘as if it were normal’ while ‘普通’ or ‘普通は’ modifies the sentence and indicates it is a usual/normal/ordinary/typical/general thing.
    This sentence is talking about a usual behavior or a habit of people or the speaker. If there is “私は”, it is clearly talking about “my” habit.[4]
  • ...を漬けた (...-wo-tsu-ke-ta) = I pickled ... .
  • キュウリを酢に漬けた。(kyū-ri-wo-su-ni-tsu-ke-ta) = I pickled the cucumbers in vinegar. (‘..pickled at vinegar.’)
  • それを漬けることができるよ。(so-re-wo-tsu-ke-ru-ko-to-ga-de-ki-ru-yo) = We can pickle that. (‘Regarding the thing of pickling that, we can do it, yo!’)
  • 漬け物 (tsu-ke-mo-no) = pickle (‘pickled things’) [also 漬物; and it is also an English word, “tsukemono”[5]]
  • 米と漬け物育った。(ko-me-to-tsu-ke-mo-no-de-so-da-tta) = I grew up on rice and pickles. (‘Rice and pickles, in that manner, I was raised.’)
  • こしょう (ko-shō) = pepper
  • こしょうの味がする。(ko-shō-no-a-ji-ga-su-ru) = It tastes of pepper. (‘It does pepper's taste.’)
  • ねばねば / ネバネバ (ne-ba-ne-ba) = gooey / slimy
  • 口の中がねばねばする。(ku-chi-no-na-ka-ga-ne-ba-ne-ba-su-ru) = The inside of my mouth feels slimy.
  • 納豆のようなねばねばする食べ物は嫌いだ。(na-ttō-no-you-na-ne-ba-ne-ba-su-ru-ta-be-mo-no-wa-ki-rai-da) = I dislike gooey food like natto.
  • Note: 「食べ物」has two adjectives, 納豆のような and ねばねばする. Note the placement of each of those two.
  • 納豆はねばねばしている。(na-ttō-wa-ne-ba-ne-ba-shi-te-i-ru) = Natto is gooey. (‘Natto is feeling slimy.’)
  • [むいた, むいて]

Lesson 5[]

  • ...ずつ (...-zu-tsu) = ... by ...
  • 少しずつ (su-ko-shi-zu-tsu) = little by little
  • 少しずつよくなっています。(su-ko-shi-zu-tsu-yo-ku-na-tte-i-ma-su) = It's getting better little by little. (‘Little by little it's becoming good.’)
  • 桃 (mo-mo) = peach
  • 彼は桃を一つずつ取り出した。(ka-re-wa-mo-mo-wo-hi-to-tsu-zu-tsu-to-ri-da-shi-ta) = He took out the peaches one at a time. / He took out the peaches one by one. (‘He took out one peach by one peach.’)
  • 彼らに二個ずつ桃をやった。(ka-re-ra-ni-ni-ko-zu-tsu-mo-mo-wo-ya-tta) = I gave them two peaches each. (彼らに桃を二個ずつやった。‘At them, I gave two peaches by two peaches.’)
  • AB詰めた (A-ni-B-wo-tsu-me-ta) = I packed A with B.
  • 彼女は箱に桃詰めた。(ka-no-jo-wa-ha-ko-ni-mo-mo-wo-tsu-me-ta) = She packed peaches into the box. (‘She packed at the box with peaches.’ / ‘She packed into the box, peaches, the object of the sentence.’)
  • 何とあったぞ、缶詰パンだ。(nan-to-a-tta-zo, kan-zu-me-pan-da) = Wow, they have it! It's canned bread!
  • ...を取り出した (...-wo-to-ri-da-shi-ta) = I took out ... .
  • 買い物袋から食料品を取り出した。(kai-mo-no-bu-ku-ro-ka-ra-sho-ku-ryō-hin-wo-to-ri-da-shi-ta) = I took out the groceries from the shopping bag.
  • トウモロコシ (tō-mo-ro-ko-shi) = corn [トウモロコシ is specifically corn-on-the-cob or how it is on the stalk[6].]

