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Cafe is the 4th skill (assuming read left to right) in the Japanese language course. It has 3 lessons and teaches some words for foods and katakana.

Grammar Notes[]


The writing system katakana is mainly used for words borrowed from other languages. Like hiragana, each letter represents a syllable. Hiragana and katakana can be mixed in the same sentence.


When you use は [wa] after a word, that word becomes the subject of the sentence. The rest of the sentence explains this.

Hiragana は is pronounced only as wa as a subject marker. Otherwise, it is pronounced as ha.


Adding か [ka] to the end of a sentence turns the statement into a question. Note that periods are still used!


Lesson 1[]

  • ラーメン = ramen
  • カレー = curry
  • おいしい = tasty
  • これ = this
  • は = topic marker; to be

Lesson 2[]

  • ピザ = pizza
  • ケーキ = cake
  • それ = that

Lesson 3[]

  • か = question marker
  • はい = yes
  • いいえ = no

Key Phrases[]

  • これはカレーです. - This is curry.
  • それはラーメンです. - That's ramen.
  • それはおいしいですか. - Is that tasty?
  • はい, それはおいしいです. - Yes, that is tasty.

