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Authority is the 105th skill (assuming read left to right) in the Japanese language course. It has 6 lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.

(Informal) Command Verb[]

(Verb)ろ is used to command a close friend, or be very direct:

(こた)えて = Answer! (Nuance: Mister, answer.)

(こた) = Answer! (Nuance: Hey, you! Answer.)

な Sentence Endings[1][]

1. Seeking confirmation
この(ほん)はとても面白(おもしろ)い、?= This book is really interesting don't you think?

2. Rhetorical
This usage essentially serves as a way for the speaker to reduce the assertiveness of a statement without actively seeking confirmation.

3. Negative imperative (Rough)
()べる! = Don't eat it!

4. Positive imperative (informal and abbreviated)
It may help to understand that the な in this case is actually an abbreviation of なさい.
()! = Eat it!

5. Expressing the concept of wonder (~かな)
おいしいかな。= I wonder if it's tasty. (I wonder if it's any good.)

そのような vs. そんな[]

Both actually mean pretty much the same thing. そのような is a more formal way to say things, and そんな is more casual, so they are often used in different contexts.

(Technically, そんな actually came about as just an informal contraction of そのような to begin with).[2]


Lesson 1[]

  • ただの冗談だよ。(ta-da-no-jō-dan-da-yo) = It is just a joke.
  • ただ一つ残っていたテーブルはレストランの入り口近くだった。(ta-da-i-tsu-no-ko-tte-i-ta-tē-bu-ru-wa-re-su-to-ran-no-i-ri-gu-chi-chi-ka-ku-da-tta) = The only remaining table was near the entrance to the restaurant.
  • 静かにしろ。(shi-zu-ka-ni-shi-ro) = Be quiet. (“Quietly, do.”)
  • 宿題をしろ。(shu-ku-dai-wo-shi-ro) = Do your homework.
  • こっち来い!(kotch-chi-koi) = Come here!
  • 遊びに来いよ。(a-so-bi-ni-koi-yo) = Come and hang out.
  • 止まれ!(to-ma-re) = Stop!
  • そこで止まりなさい。(so-ko-de-to-ma-ri-na-sai) = Stop there.
  • 頑張れ!(gam-ba-re) = Do your best!
  • 彼女は私に腹を立てた。(ka-no-jo-wa-wa-ta-shi-ni-ha-ra-wo-ta-te-ta) = She got mad at me.
  • 夏休みの予定はもう立てたの?(na-tsu-ya-su-mi-no-yo-tei-wa-mō-ta-te-ta-no) = Have you made plans for summer vacation yet?
  • 音を立てないでください。(o-to-wo-ta-te-nai-de-ku-da-sai) = Please do not make a sound/noises.
  • さっさと (sa-ssa-to) = quickly
  • さっさと仕事をしろ。(sa-ssa-to-shi-go-to-wo-shi-ro) = Do your work quickly.
  • さっさと宿題をしな。(sa-ssa-to-shu-ku-dai-wo-shi-na) = Do your homework quickly.
  • [立てて, 立てる, 立て]

Lesson 2[]

  • 命令 (mei-rei) = order [as in 'command'].
  • 命令通りにしなさい。(mei-rei-dō-ri-ni-shi-na-sai) = Do as you are told.
  • ご援助 / 援助 (go-en-jo / en-jo) = support / assistance / aid
  • 祖母に経済的な援助を受けた。(so-bo-ni-kei-zai-te-ki-na-en-jo-wo-u-ke-ta) = I received financial support from my grandmother. ("At my grandmother, economic support, I received.")
  • 政権 (sei-ken) = power [as in 'political power']
  • 独裁政権 (do-ku-sai-sei-ken) = dictatorship
  • 独裁者 (do-ku-sai-sha) = dictator (“practitioner of dictation”)
  • 独裁者が国を支配していた。(do-ku-sai-sha-ga-ku-ni-wo-shi-hai-shi-tei-ta) = A dictator ruled the country.
  • その国は軍事独裁政権に支配されている。(so-no-ku-ni-wa-gun-ji-do-ku-sai-sei-ken-ni-shi-hai-sa-re-te-i-ru) = That country is ruled by a military dictatorship. ("...is being ruled...")
  • 支配者 (shi-hai-sha) = ruler [in the sense, 'govenor']
  • 支配者はすべてを諦めるよう我々に求めた。(shi-hai-sha-wa-su-be-te-wo-a-ki-ra-me-ru-yō-wa-re-wa-re-ni-mo-to-me-ta) = The ruler demanded us to give up everything.
  • 彼らは自由を求めてこの国に来た。(ka-re-ra-wa-ji-yuu-wo-mo-to-me-te-ko-no-ku-ni-ni-ki-ta) = They came to this country seeking freedom.
  • 政府は経済援助を求めました。(sei-fu-wa-kei-zai-en-jo-wo-mo-to-me-ma-shi-ta) = The government demanded economic aid.
  • 彼女に多くを求めすぎてはいけない。(ka-no-jo-ni-ō-ku-wo-mo-to-me-su-gi-te-wa-i-ke-nai) = You must not demand too much from her.
  • きれいな空気を求めて、田舎に引っ越した。(ki-rei-na-kū-ki-wo-mo-to-me-te, i-na-ka-ni-hi-kko-shi-ta) = I moved to the countryside in search of clean air.
  • [支配上, 求める, 求めた]

Lesson 3[]

  • 彼の命令に従わなかった。(ka-re-no-mei-rei-ni-shi-ta-ga-wa-na-ka-tta) = I did not follow his orders / obey his commands.
  • 法律には従うべきだ。(hō-ri-tsu-ni-wa-shi-ta-ga-u-be-ki-da) = We should obey the law.
  • 黙れ。(da-ma-re) = Shut up!
  • 黙って運転しろ。(da-ma-tte-un-ten-shi-ro) = Shut up and drive. ("Drive while shutting up!")
  • 彼は黙って座っていた。(ka-re-wa-da-ma-tte-su-wa-tte-i-ta) = He was sitting in silence.
  • 彼女の演説の間、みんな黙っていた。(ka-no-jo-no-en-ze-tsu-no-ai-da-min-na-da-ma-tte-i-ta) = Everyone was silent during her speech. ("Everyone was silent during her speech's interval of time.")
  • 招待を断った。(shō-tai-wo-ko-to-wa-tta) = I turned down the invitation. [also, '...declined the invitation.']
  • 彼女は彼の支払いの要求を断りました。(ka-no-jo-wa-ka-re-no-shi-ha-rai-no-you-kyū-wo-ko-to-wa-ri-ma-shi-ta) = She rejected his request for payment.
  • 反抗的な (han-kō-te-ki-na) = rebellious
  • 彼女は母親に反抗した。(ka-no-jo-wa-ha-ha-o-ya-ni-han-kō-shi-ta) = She disobeyed her mother. ("She did rebellion at her mother.")
  • 彼女は上司の指示に反抗して首になった。(ka-no-jo-wa-jō-shi-no-shi-ji-ni-han-kō-shi-te-ku-bi-ni-na-tta) = She defied her boss's orders and got fired.
  • すべて指示通りに準備致しました。(su-be-te-shi-ji-dō-ri-ni-jum-bi-i-ta-shi-ma-shi-ta) = I prepared everything as instructed.
  • 医者の指示に従ってください。(i-sha-no-shi-ji-ni-shi-ta-ga-tte-ku-da-sai) = Please follow the doctor's instructions.
  • [従わなくて, 従って, 断られた, 断り, 断る]

Lesson 4[]

  • 先輩 (sem-pai) = Senpai (one's superior)
  • 先輩、私に気づいて!(sem-pai, wa-ta-shi-ni-ki-zui-te) = Notice me senpai!
  • 本田先輩、ありがとうございます。(hon-da-sem-pai-a-ri-ga-tō-go-zai-ma-su) = Honda-senpai, thank you very much.
  • 先輩は立てるものだ。(sem-pai-wa-ta-te-ru-mo-no-da) = You should respect your seniors. ("Senpai are 'to respect'-things.")
  • 非難する (hi-nan-su-ru) = to criticise
  • 人を非難するのはやめなさい。(hi-to-wo-hi-nan-su-ru-no-wa-ya-me-na-sai) = Stop criticizing people.
  • 非難 (hi-nan) = criticism
  • 的 (ma-to) = object / target
  • 非難の的 (hi-nan-no-ma-to) = object of criticism / target of criticism
  • そのような政策は非難の的になりやすいです。(so-no-yō-na-sei-sa-ku-wa-hi-nan-no-ma-to-ni-na-ri-ya-sui-de-su) = Such a policy easily becomes the target of criticism.
  • 尊敬語 (son-kei-go) = honorific language [also, "Japanese honorifics"]
  • 尊敬 (son-kei) = respect
  • 彼は我々の尊敬に値する。(ka-re-wa-wa-re-wa-re-no-son-kei-ni-a-tai-su-ru) = He deserves our respect. ("He deserves at our respect.")
  • タバコをやめることは努力に値する。(ta-ba-ko-wo-ya-me-ru-ko-to-wa-do-ryo-ku-ni-a-tai-su-ru) = Quitting smoking is worth the effort. ("...is worth at the effort.")
  • 彼女の勇気ある行為は尊敬に値する。(ka-no-jo-no-yū-ki-a-ru-kō-i-wa-son-kei-ni-a-tai-su-ru) = Her courageous act deserves respect.
  • 私は母を尊敬している。(wa-ta-shi-wa-ha-ha-wo-son-kei-shi-te-i-ru) = I respect my mother.
  • 彼女は偉大な作家として尊敬されている。(ka-no-jo-wa-i-dai-na-sa-kka-to-shi-te-son-kei-sa-re-te-i-ru) = She is respected as a great writer. ("She, regarding whom, a great writer, being played as which, she is being respected.")

Lesson 5[]

  • 後輩 (kō-hai) = Kōhai / one's inferior / junior colleague (as opposed to "Senpai". Note: the term is only used to refer to sb. You don't normally say, "Hey, inferior!")
  • 彼女は後輩から尊敬されている。(ka-no-jo-wa-kō-hai-ka-ra-son-kei-sa-re-te-i-ru) = She is respected by her junior colleagues. ("..respected from her colleagues.")
  • 彼女は私より二年後輩です。(ka-no-jo-wa-wa-ta-shi-yo-ri-ni-nen-kō-hai-de-su) = She is two years my junior. ("She is by two years my junior.")
  • 老人 (rō-jin) = old man / old woman / old people
  • 若者 (wa-ka-mo-no) = young people
  • ほら、あの素敵な若者は誰?(ho-ra-a-no-su-te-ki-na-wa-ka-mo-no-wa-da-re) = Hey, who is that nice young person over there?
  • 若者は最近あまり図書館を利用しない。(wa-ka-mo-no-wa-sai-kin-a-ma-ri-to-sho-kan-wo-ri-you-shi-nai) = Young people don't use libraries that much these days.
  • ...から影響を受けた (...-ka-ra-ei-kyō-wo-u-ke-ta) = ... had a great influence on me. ("I received influence from ...")
  • 台風の影響で、野菜の値段が急に上がった。(tai-fū-no-ei-kyō-de-ya-sai-no-ne-dan-ga-kyū-ni-a-ga-tta) = The price of vegetables rose sharply due to the typhoon. ("Because of the influence of the typhon... .")
  • 悪影響 (a-ku-ei-kyō) = negative influence
  • 暴力映画は若者に悪影響を与えると非難されている。(bō-ryo-ku-ei-ga-wa-wa-ka-mo-no-ni-a-ku-ei-kyō-wo-a-ta-e-ru-to-hi-nan-sa-re-te-i-ru) = Violent movies are criticized as having a negative influence on young people. ("...are criticised as granting a bad influence... .")
  • 影響力 (ei-kyō-ryo-ku) = power of influence
  • 君の発言は若者に影響力が大きい。(ki-mi-no-ha-tsu-gen-wa-wa-ka-mo-no-ni-ei-kyō-ryo-ku-ga-ō-kī) = Your remarks have considerable power to influence young people. ("Your remarks, to the youth, the power of influence is big.")

Lesson 6[]

  • 態度 (tai-do) = attitude
  • 彼女は態度に問題がある。(ka-no-jo-wa-tai-do-ni-mon-dai-ga-a-ru) = She has an attitude problem. ("She has a problem attitude-wise.")
  • 彼は人によって態度を変える。(ka-re-wa-hi-to-ni-yo-tte-tai-do-wo-ka-e-ru) = He changes his attitude depending on the person. ("... changes attitude person-wise.")
  • 学生は教授の意見に挑戦した。(ga-ku-sei-wa-kyō-ju-no-i-ken-ni-chō-sen-shi-ta) = The student challenged the professor 's opinion. ("... challenged at the professor ... .")
  • 世界記録に挑戦した。(se-kai-ki-ro-ku-ni-chō-sen-shi-ta) = I challenged the world record.
  • 権威 (ken-i) = authority
  • 申し込み (mō-shi-ko-mi) = application / proposal
  • 彼女は彼の結婚の申し込みを断った。(ka-no-jo-wa-ka-re-no-ke-kkon-no-mō-shi-ko-mi-wo-ko-to-wa-tta) = She turned down his marriage proposal.
  • 申し込んだ商品と違う物が届いた。(mō-shi-kon-da-shō-hin-to-chi-ga-u-mo-no-ga-to-do-i-ta) = What arrived was different from what I had ordered.

