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Animals is the 97th skill (assuming read left to right) in the Japanese language course. It has 5 lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.


Lesson 1[]

  • ヘビ (he-bi) = snake
  • カニ (ka-ni) = crab
  • カメ (ka-me) = turtle / tortoise
  • 海ガメ (u-mi-ga-me) = sea turtle
  • くじら / クジラ (ku-ji-ra) = whale
  • 海ガメは砂に卵を産む。(u-mi-ga-me-wa-su-na-ni-ta-ma-go-wo-u-mu) = Sea turtles lay their eggs in the sand. ("...lay eggs sand-wise.")
  • クジラは卵を産まない。(ku-ji-ra-wa-ta-ma-go-wo-u-ma-nai) = Whales do not lay eggs.
  • ヘビが地面に卵を産んだ。(he-bi-ga-ji-men-ni-ta-ma-go-wo-un-da) = The snake laid its eggs in the ground. ("... laid eggs ground-wise.")
  • 哺乳動物 (ho-nyū-dō-bu-tsu) = mammal ("lactating, or breastfeeding animal / suckle milk animal / suckle milk moving thing")
  • カメは哺乳動物じゃない。(ka-me-wa-ho-nyū-dō-bu-tsu-ja-nai) = Turtles are not mammals.
  • [産み, 哺乳類]

Lesson 2[]

  • 網 (a-mi) = grill / wire mesh / net
  • 網で魚を焼いた。(a-mi-de-sa-ka-na-wo-yai-ta) = I roasted a fish on the grill.
  • 巣 (su) = nest
  • 鳥は木に巣を作る。(to-ri-wa-ki-ni-su-wo-tsu-ku-ru) = Birds build their nests in trees.
  • アリ (a-ri) = ant
  • くも / クモ (ku-mo) = spider
  • チョウ (chō) = butterfly
  • クモが巣を作っているのを見ていた。(ku-mo-ga-su-wo-tsu-ku-tte-i-ru-no-wo-mi-te-i-ta) = I was watching a spider spinning a web. ("I was watching the act of a spider making a nest.")

Lesson 3[]

  • 双子 (fu-ta-go) = twins
  • 彼らは双子です。(ka-re-ra-wa-fu-ta-go-de-su) = They are twins.
  • パンダ (pan-da) = panda
  • 雌 (me-su) = female
  • 雌猫 (me-su-ne-ko) = female cat
  • 雄 (o-su) = male
  • 雄犬 (o-su-i-nu) = male dog
  • あのパンダは雄ですか、雌ですか?(a-no-pan-da-wa-o-su-de-su-ka-me-su-de-su-ka) = Is that panda male or female?
  • 君の子猫は雄なの、雌なの?(ki-mi-no-ko-ne-ko-wa-o-su-na-no-me-su-na-no) = Is your kitten male or female?
  • 上野動物園でパンダが双子を産んだ。(u-e-no-dō-bu-tsu-en-de-pan-da-ga-fu-ta-go-wo-un-da) = The panda at Ueno Zoo gave birth to twins.

Lesson 4[]

  • ライオン (rai-on) = lion
  • 虎 (to-ra) = tigre
  • 後ろでライオンの唸り声がした。(u-shi-ro-de-rai-on-no-u-na-ri-go-e-ga-shi-ta) = I heard the growl of a lion behind me. ("...behind me, at that place.")
  • 虎が唸るのが聞こえた。(to-ra-ga-u-na-ru-no-ga-ki-ko-e-ta) = I could hear a tiger growling. ("I heard a tiger, its act of growling.")
  • 吠える (ho-e-ru) = to bark
  • 吠える犬は噛まない。(ho-e-ru-i-nu-wa-ka-ma-nai) = Barking dogs do not bite. [吠 means 'mouth, dog' while 噛 means 'mouth, teeth'.]
  • [唸って, 吠えた, 吠え声]

Lesson 5[]

  • 祖先 (so-sen) = ancestor
  • うちの祖先はワルシャワに住んでいた。(u-chi-no-so-sen-wa-wa-ru-sha-wa-ni-sun-de-i-ta) = My ancestors lived in Warsaw. ("My household's ancestors .../My family's ancestors ... .")
  • 恐竜 (kyō-ryū) = dinosaur
  • 進化 (shin-ka) = evolution
  • 鳥は恐竜から進化したと言われている。(to-ri-wa-kyō-ryū-ka-ra-shin-ka-shi-ta-to-i-wa-re-te-i-ru) = It is said that birds evolved from dinosaurs.
  • 鳥は恐竜から進化したと考えられている。(to-ri-wa-kyō-ryū-ka-ra-shin-ka-shi-ta-to-kan-ga-e-ra-re-te-i-ru) = It is thought that birds evolved from dinosaurs.
  • 進化はどのように生じるのですか?(shin-ka-wa-do-no-yō-ni-shō-ji-ru-no-de-su-ka) = How does evolution take place?
  • キリン (ki-rin) = giraffe
  • 僕は動物園に行くまでキリンを見たことがなかった。(bo-ku-wa-dō-bu-tsu-en-ni-i-ku-ma-de-ki-rin-wo-mi-ta-ko-to-ga-na-ka-tta) = I had not seen a giraffe before going to the zoo. ("Until the act of going to the zoo (happened), the act of seeing a giraffe did not exist regarding me.")
  • キリンは馬と同じ祖先から進化した。(ki-rin-wa-u-ma-to-o-na-ji-so-sen-ka-ra-shin-ka-shi-ta) = The giraffe evolved from the same ancestor as the horse. ("The giraffe evolved from a same-with-horse ancestor./ ... evolved from a horse, with, the same, ancestor.")
  • フクロウ (fu-ku-rō) = owl / owls
  • 緑色のフクロウが私を見ている。(mi-do-ri-i-ro-no-fu-ku-rō-ga-wa-ta-shi-wo-mi-te-i-ru) = The green owl is watching me. 👀
  • フクロウは昼間は眠る。(fu-ku-rō-wa-hi-ru-ma-wa-ne-mu-ru) = Owls sleep during the day. ("Owls sleep daytime, regarding it.")
  • フクロウが鳴いていた。(fu-ku-rō-ga-nai-te-i-ta) = An owl was hooting.

