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Phrases 1 is the 2nd skill in the High Valyrian skill tree. It has 3 lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else.


Lesson 1[]

  • issa = yes/just so
  • rytsas = hi/hello/greetings
  • biarvose = you're welcome
  • kirimvose = thank you/thanks
  • jiōrna = welcome
  • se = and
  • daor = no, not, is/does not

Lesson 2[]

  • valar morghūlis = all men must die
  • valar dohaeris = all men must serve
  • drīvose = actually
  • kostilus = please
  • geros ilas = goodbye, farewell

Lesson 3[]

  • drējī = really, truly
  • Iōnos = Jon/John (name)
  • Daenerys = Daenerys (name)
  • brōzi = name
  • arlī = again


  1. https://www.duolingo.com/skill/hv/Phrases-1