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Commands is the 29th skill in the High Valyrian language course. It has 7 lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

High Valyrian uses a base-10 number system like English and many Western languages, meaning that the basic numerals run 0 through 9, and a new digit is added at powers of 10 (so 10, 100, 1,000, etc.). Cardinal numerals in High Valyrian are modifiers, but not all will agree with the nouns they modify. A summary of the system is presented below.

Numerals 1-9[]

The cardinal numerals 1 through 9 are standard adjectives that agree with the nouns they modify in case, gender, and number. Given the nature of numerals, the number concord is uniform: The number 1 is always singular, and the numbers 2 through 9 are always plural.

Except in rare circumstances, numbers will precede the nouns they modify. Again, they will agree with the nouns they modify in number, and nouns whose number is other than singular should be marked plural when modified by a number. Here are a few examples:

  • mēre zaldrīzes "one dragon"
  • lantyz zaldrīzesse "two dragons"
  • hāri zaldrīzesse "three dragons"

Numerals 10-99[]

The formation of numerals above 9 is a bit simpler. First, ampa is used for 10. While this word is an adjective, it does not agree with the noun it modifies in any way. Ampa is invariant. There are unique words for the multiples of 10, and as with ampa, they are invariant in form.

Now, having established that multiples of 10 are invariant, you do actually have to change it when you move to numbers beyond 10. The numerals 11 through 19 are formed by placing the adjectival form of the numeral 1 through 9 first followed by ampa in its coordinative form—i.e. ampā. The first numeral still agrees with the noun it modifies in case, gender, and number, so it will need to be modified.

  • 10: ampa
  • 11: mēre ampā
  • 12: lanta ampā
  • 20: lantēpsa
  • 21: mēre lantēpsā
  • 22: lanta lantēpsā
  • 23: hāre lantēpsā

Numerals 100-999[]

Numerals 100 through 999 work a little differently. There are invariant forms for the multiples of 100, and then for numbers in between, one uses se as a connector followed by the full number (no extra coordinative morphology is used).

Here's an example of a complex number in the hundreds modifying a noun:

  • zūgār se vōri tōmēpsā zaldrīzesse "four hundred and fifty-nine dragons"

Numerals 1,000+[]

The word used for 1,000 is pyrys, and it is a noun. It does not modify a noun as an adjective. Instead, the modified noun is placed in the genitive plural, and the noun pyrys takes the case assigned to it by the verb. For numbers beyond a thousand, the number 1 through 999 modifies pyrys itself. Here are a couple examples:

  • pyrys zaldrīzoti "one thousand dragons"
  • lantyz jēnqēpsā pyryssy zaldrīzoti "eighty-two thousand dragons"

Asking the age[]

When asking the age, we will use the verb urnegon in perfect tense. The literal translation is to ask "how many years has somebody seen"

  • Skorverdon jēdaro bonys azantys ūndas? : How old is that knight?


Lesson 1[]

  • Mēre : 1 , only one, sole
  • Lanta: 2
  • Hāre: 3
  • Izula: 4
  • Tōma: 5
  • Verdon: Number, sum, ammount:

Lesson 2[]

  • Bȳre : 6
  • Sīkuda : 7
  • Jēnqa : 8
  • Vōre : 9
  • Ampa: Ten

Lesson 3[]

  • Lantēpsa : 20
  • Hārēpsa : 30
  • Izulēpsa : 40
  • Tōmēpsa : 50
  • Jēdar: Years, sky

Lesson 4[]

  • Bȳrēpsa :60
  • Sīkudēpsa: 70
  • Jēnqēpsa : 80
  • Vōrēpsa : 90
  • Gār: 100

Lesson 5[]

  • Langār : 200
  • Hārgār : 300
  • Zūgār : 400
  • Tōngār : 500
  • Bȳrgār : 600

Lesson 6[]

  • Sīgār : 700
  • Jēngār : 800
  • Vōrgār : 900
  • Pyrys: 1000
  • Naena: Multitude, horde