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Negation is the 20th skill in the High Valyrian language course. it has 4 lessons

Grammar Notes[]

The locative express the location or the destination of an action when the verb is not explicit about where things are or go.

1st declension-nouns (ending in -a, -ar) form the locative in singular by elongating the last a into an ā

  • Zokla: wolf
  • Zoklā: in a wolf, inside a wolf

2nd declension-nouns (ending in -y or -ys) form the locative in singular by ending the noun in -ȳ.

  • Vumbiarzy: room
  • Vumbiarzȳ: in the room

3rd declension-nouns (ending in -o, -os, -on) form the locative in singular ending the noun in -ot.

  • Mījāelion: pawnshop
  • Mījāeliot: in the pawnshop
  • exceptions: Rios - rihot ; Astapor - Astaprot

To express thing that there are, we use the verb ilagon instead of sagon. The first one is more common to verb estar in Spanish, for it represents location instead of identity:

  • Kesīr ñuha arlie vumbiarzy ilza: Here is my new room

Finally, to express similitudes to other beings, we use the adverb hae followed by a noun in locative

  • He eats like a wolf: Ziry hae zoklā ipradas


Lesson 1[]

  • glaesagon: to live
  • rios: valley, canyon
  • mījāelion: pawnshop
  • dārion: kingdom
  • konīr: there
  • kesīr: here

Lesson 2[]

  • arlie: new
  • astapor: Astapor (city)
  • zenturlion: Inn, hotel
  • īlilion: Crossing, crossroads
  • vumbiarzy: room
  • umbagon: To stay, to remain

Lesson 3[]

  • baelagon: To assist, to help, to aid
  • bianor: Sheep(sing.)
  • botes: Work, duty, job
  • Hae: like, as

Other vocabulary[]

  • Skorkydosso glaesā? : How are you?
  • Vaoresagon: (governs the dative) To like, to prefer, to favor
    • "Governs the dative" means any complement followed by this verb will be in their dative form:
    • Ñuhis raqiros zȳho boto vaoresas : My friend likes his job