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Dem 1. (Demonstratives 1) is the 3rd skill (assuming read left to right) in the High Valyrian language course. It has 3 lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

Demonstrative words are introduced here with different forms for inanimate and animate objects. All the nouns relating to people will use demonstratives like 'Bisy'. Whereas, inanimate objects like the long sword will use the form with 'Kesy'.


Lesson 1[]

  • bisy = this/this one (animate)
  • kesy = this/this one (inanimate)
  • zentys = guest (nom.)
  • korze = long sword (nom.)

Lesson 2[]

  • bony = that/that one (animate)
  • kony = that/that one (inanimate)

Lesson 3[]

  • bisi = these/these ones (animate)
  • kesi = these/these ones (inanimate)
  • boni = those/those ones (animate)
  • koni = those/those ones (inanimate)
  • zentyssy = guests (nom.)
  • korzi = long swords (nom.)

