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Animals is the 13th skill in the High Valyrian Language course. It has 3 lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

In this skill you revise over some of the animals before while also learning new animals. In lesson 1 the focus is on land animals, then 2 is birds and 3 is fish. There is not a lot more learnt apart from the new animal words.


Lesson 1[]

  • zokla = wolf
  • qintir = turtle
  • qintrȳti = turtles'
  • kēlio = lion
  • kēlia = lions
  • jaos = dog
  • jaohossa = dogs
  • jaoho = dog's

Lesson 2[]

  • vōljes = raven
  • võljesse = ravens
  • hontes = bird
  • atroksia = owl
  • ūlio = falcon
  • ūlia = falcons

Lesson 3[]

  • klios = fish
  • klihossa = fish (plu.)
  • qaedar = whale
  • qaedri = whales
  • uēs = squid
  • uēhossa = squids
  • bēgor = trout
  • bēgra = trout (plu.)

