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Verbs: Future 2 is the sixty-seventh skill in the Hebrew language tree on Duolingo. It has five lessons and teaches more verbs in the future tense as well as reviewing the future tense's uses.

Grammar Notes[]

As a reminder, the future tense in Hebrew uses a combination of prefixes and circumfixes according to who will be doing the action:

Pronoun Prefix/Circumfix
את ת-י
אתם ת-ו
אתן *ת-ו/ת-נה
הם/הן י-ו

Some common verbs will have additional nikkud or irregular spellings to differentiate them from other tenses, so make sure to keep track of those.


Lesson 1[]

  • תחזור (tachzor) = you (m. sg.) will return, she will return
  • תמצא (timtza) = you (m. sg) will find, she will find
  • אמכור (emkor) = I will sell
  • נדע (neda) = we will know
  • אקנה (ekne) = I will buy
  • אחזור (echzor) = I will return
  • נאמר (nomar) = we will tell
  • יחזרו (yachzeru) = they will return
  • נקנה (nikne) = we will buy
  • נלך (nelech) = we will go
  • אדע (eda) = I will know
  • תאמרי (tomri) = you (f. sg) will say
  • תקנה (tikne) = you (m. sg.) will buy, she will buy
  • יעבדו (ya'avdu) = they will work
  • תעבוד = you (m. sg.) will work, she will work
  • תמצא (timtza) = you (m. sg. ) will find, she will find
  • נמכור (nimkor) = we will sell
  • נתחיל (natchil)= we will start

Lesson 2[]

  • אעצור (e'etzor) = I will stop
  • תרצי (tirtzi) = you (f. sg) will want
  • אלך (elech) = I will go
  • נלמד (nilmad) = we will study
  • ישים (yasim) = he will put
  • ארצה (ertze) = I will want
  • תשכח (tishkach) = you (m. sg.) will forget, she will forget
  • יקחו (yikchu) = they will take
  • אקרא (ekra) = I will read
  • יקראו (yikre'u) = they will read
  • יקח (yikach) = he will take
  • תעצור (ta'atzor) = you (m. sg.) will stop, she will stop
  • ישכחו (yishkechu) = they will forget
  • יעצור (ya'atzor) = he will stop
  • תגיע (tagia) = you (m. sg.) will arrive, she will arrive
  • ירצו (yirtzu) = they will want
  • ישימו (yasimu) = they will put
  • אשכח (eshkach) = I will forget


Due to translation errors, sometimes English sentences will use the future tense like Hebrew when the present tense is more natural. Please report any sentences you find that do this.


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/he/Future-2
