Travel is the forty-first skill in the Hebrew language tree (assuming read left to right). It has eight lessons and teaches vocabulary about transportation, countries and geography.
Grammar Notes[]
Abbreviations are very common in Hebrew, and we are introduced to one in this skill, חו"ל. It comes from חוץ לארץ, and is pronounced in much the same way as חוץ לארץ is. This is true of all abbreviations in Hebrew; they are always pronounced as if they were actual full words. This is unlike English, where some abbreviations are spelled out like "USA" being yu-ess-eh.
Lesson 1[]
- אופניים = bicycle
- מכונית = car
- אופנוע = motorcycle
- לרכוב = to ride
- אוטובוס = bus
- מזוודה = suitcase
- לטייל = to travel
- חופשה = vacation
Lesson 2[]
- רכבת = train
- רציף = platform
- סירה = boat
- לשוט = to sail
- מטוס = plane
- לטוס = to fly
- תחנת רכבת = train station
- לנהוג = to drive
Lesson 3[]
- ספינה = ship
- להפליג = to sail away
- מפה = map
- תיק גב = backpack
- מדריך = guide
- לנסוע/לטייל = to travel
- קו = line
Lesson 4[]
- הרפתקה = adventure
- רכב = vehicle
- תחבורה = transportation
- ביקור = visit
- טיסה = flight
- טיול = trip
Lesson 5[]
- צרפת = France
- ספרד = Spain
- יוון = Greece
- אנגליה = England
- גרמניה = Germany
- רכבת תחתית = metro
- מסע = journey
Lesson 6[]
- ארץ = country
- מזרח תיכון = Middle East
- סין = China
- עולם = world
- רוסיה = Russia
- ים = sea
- ים תיכון = Mediterranean Sea
- מצרים = Egypt
Lesson 7[]
- תייר = tourist
- אסיה = Asia
- אמריקה = America
- אירופה = Europe
- יבשת = continent
- -מסביב ל = around
Lesson 8[]
- אוסטרליה = Australia
- דרכון = passport
- אפריקה = Africa
- בין-לאומי = international
- דלק = fuel
- אירופאי = European
- חו׳׳ל = abroad
Duolingo Lesson: