Time is the twenty-seventh skill (assuming read left to right) in the language tree for Hebrew. It has ten lessons and teaches vocabulary related to time, including months of the year and days of the week.
Grammar Notes[]
Dual forms[]
Once upon a time, Semitic languages (like Hebrew) had three different numbers: singular, plural, and dual. The dual is mostly not used in Modern Hebrew, with exceptions including body parts that naturally come in twos (such as hands and feet), clothing items that come in pairs (such as pants and shoes), and time expressions referring to two of something.
These time expressions (two days, two years, etc.) use the dual form for two: יים-. This ending is used for both masculine and feminine nouns. Because of this, saying two + a plural form is incorrect for these terms (for example, you say שנתיים and not שתי שנים for "two years").
Lesson 1[]
- היום = today
- יום ראשון = Sunday
- יום שני = Monday
- יום שלישי = Tuesday
- יום רביעי = Wednesday
Lesson 2[]
- זמן = time
- יום חמישי = Thursday
- יום שישי = Friday
- יום שבת = Saturday
- מחר = tomorrow
- אחר הצהריים = afternoon
- כל הזמן = all the time
Lesson 3[]
- שעה = hour
- דקה = minute
- שבוע = week
- חודש = month
- שנה = year
- שעבר = last (m)
- שעברה = last (f)
- אתמול = yesterday
Lesson 4[]
- שניה = second
- ...בשעה = at ... o'clock
- ינואר = January
- פברואר = February
- צהריים = noon
- הערב = tonight
Lesson 5[]
- לוח שנה = calendar
- תאריך = date
- מרץ = March
- אפריל = April
- מאי = May
- יוני = June
Lesson 6[]
- יולי = July
- אוגוסט = August
- ספטמבר = September
- אוקטובר = October
- נובמבר = November
- דצמבר = December
Lesson 7[]
- הבא = next (m)
- הבאה = next (f)
- אביב = spring
- חורף = winter
- סתיו = fall
- קיץ = summer
- עונה = season
- חצות = midnight
Lesson 8[]
- יום הולדת = birthday
- תקופה = period
- רגע = moment
- מאה = century
- קצת = a bit
- עשור = decade
- עידן = era
Lesson 9[]
- תמיד = always
- אף פעם = never
- מסיבה = party
- גיל = age
- דור = generation
- עכשיו = now
- מחרתיים = the day after tomorrow
- כיום = nowadays
Lesson 10[]
- שנתיים = two years
- עד = until
- חודשיים = two months
- שבועיים = two weeks
- יומיים = two days
- שעתיים = two hours
- הווה = present
Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/he/Dates-and-Time