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There Is/To Have is the sixth skill (assuming read left to right) in the Hebrew language tree. This skill teaches how to show possession using the expression "there is" in Hebrew and has three lessons.

Grammar Notes[]

To Have[]

Hebrew does not have a verb for "having" something; instead, there is a construction using the words יש and אין ("there is" and "there isn't") and a form of the preposition ל ("to" or "for").

To say that someone has something, you use יש and then put ל before the noun that refers to the possessor:

  • יש לגבר אוכל - The man has food.

If the possessor is a pronoun, you use the inflected forms of ל :

English Hebrew English Hebrew
I have יש לי We have יש לנו
You have (sing. masc.) יש לךָ You have (plural masc.) יש לכם
You have (sing. fem.) יש לךְ You have (plural fem.) יש לכן
He has יש לו They have (masc.) יש להם
She has יש לה They have (fem.) יש להן

To say that someone doesn't have something, you use the word אין :

  • אין לאישה חתול - The woman does not have a cat.
  • אין לי כסף - I don't have money.

Word Order[]

The possessor usually comes after יש or אין. You can place the possessor before יש or אין if you like; this puts more emphasis on the possessor of the object.


Lesson 1[]

  • יש = there is
  • אין = there is not

Lesson 2[]

  • לךְ = to you (sg. fem.)
  • לךָ = to you (sg. masc.)
  • לי = to me
  • לה = to her
  • לזה = to it/to this
  • לו = to him

Lesson 3[]

  • להם = to them (masc.)
  • לכם = to you (plural masc.)
  • לנו = to us
  • לכן = to you (plural fem.)
  • להן = to them (fem.)


Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/he/There-is
