Space is the eighty-second skill in the Hebrew language tree (assuming read left to right). It has three lessons and teaches important vocabulary relating to objects in space and space travel.
Lesson 1[]
- כוכב לכת = planet (m) (kokhav lekhet)
- מערכת השמש = Solar System (f) (ma'arekhet hashemesh)
- מאדים = Mars (m) (ma'adim)
- שבתאי = Saturn (m) (shabtai)
- צדק = Jupiter (m) (tsedek)
- כוכב חמה = Mercury (m) (kokhev khama)
- נוגה = Venus (f) (noga)
Lesson 2[]
- מעבורת = shuttle (f) (ma'aboret)
- אסטרונאוט = astronaut (m) (astronaut)
- תחנת החלל הבין-לאומית = International Space Station (f) (takhanat hakhalal haben-le'umit)
- חללית = spaceship (f) (khalalit)
- גשושית = probe (f) (gashushit)
- לוויין = satellite (m) (lavyan)
- שיגור = launch (m) (shigur)
Lesson 3[]
- מטאור = meteor (m) (mete'or)
- חור שחור = black hole (m) (khor shakhor)
- מסלול = orbit (m) (maslul)
- שביל החלב = Milky Way (m) (shvil hakhalav)
- גלקסיה = galaxy (f) (galaksiya)
- מכתש = crater (m) (makhtesh)
- ליקוי = eclipse (m) (likui)
Duolingo Lesson: