Prepositions 1 is the eighteenth skill (assuming read left to right) in the language tree for Hebrew. It has seven lessons and teaches a few prepositions and the pronoun forms for each.
Grammar Notes[]
Prepositions in Hebrew can be either attached to the noun or stand alone. This skill introduces several that stand alone.
All prepositions can also have endings that indicate that something is "for me" or "against him" - in other words, forms that include pronouns:
Person | Ending |
me | י- |
you (sing.) | ך- |
him | ו- |
her | ה- |
us | נו- |
you (pl. masc.) | כם- |
you (pl. fem.) | כן- |
them (masc.) | ם- |
them (fem.) | ן- |
Lesson 1[]
- -ב = in/on
- בי = on me
- בנו = on us
- בך = on you (sing.)
- בו = on him
- בה = on her
- בכן/בכם = on you (pl.)
- בהם/בהן = on them
Lesson 2[]
- מן = from
- ממני = from me
- מאיתנו = from us
- ממך = from you (sing.)
- ממנו = from him
- ממנה = from her
- מכם/מכן = from you (pl.)
- מהם/מהן = from them
Lesson 3[]
- עם = with
- איתי = with me
- איתנו = with us
- איתך = with you (sing.)
- איתו = with him
- איתה = with her
- איתכם/איתכן = with you (pl.)
- איתן/איתם = with them
Lesson 4[]
- בשביל = for
- בשבילי = for me
- בשבילנו = for us
- בשבילך = for you (sing.)
- בשבילו = for him
- בשבילה = for her
- בשבילכם/בשבילכן = for you (pl.)
- בשבילם/בשבילן = for them
Lesson 5[]
- ליד = next to
- לידי = next to me
- לידנו = next to us
- לידך = next to you (sing.)
- לידו = next to him
- לידה = next to her
- לידכם/לידכן = next to you (pl.)
- לידם/לידן = next to them
Lesson 6[]
- בתוך = inside
- בתוכי = inside me
- בתוכנו = inside us
- בתוכך = inside you (sing.)
- בתוכו = inside him
- בתוכה = inside her
- בתוככם/בתוככן = inside you (pl.)
- בתוכם/בתוכן = inside them
Lesson 7[]
- נגד = against
- נגדי = against me
- נגדנו = against us
- נגדך = against you (sing.)
- נגדו = against him
- נגדה = against her
- נגדכם/נגדכן = against you (pl.)
- נגדם/נגדן = against them
Duolingo Lesson: