Possessives 1is the eleventh skill (assuming read left to right) in the Hebrew language tree. It has a total of three lessons and teaches how to say something is "yours" in Hebrew.
Grammar Notes[]
In order to to show that that is "your" cat or "his" turtle, you use the possessive adjectives in "Lessons" below. This possessive is placed after the object being possessed, and the gender of the adjective matches the possessor, not the object. Also, all objects possessed must have an ה before them, because the possessive adjective indicates the definiteness of the noun (unless they are family members and/or addressed directly).
Lesson 1[]
- שלי = my
- שלךָ = your (masc. sing.)
- שלךְ = your (fem. sing.)
- שלו = his
- שלה = her
Lesson 2[]
- שלנו = our
- שלכם = your (masc. pl.)
- שלכן = your (fem. pl.)
- שלהם = their (masc.)
- שלהן = their (fem.)
Lesson 3[]
- של = of
- שרה = Sarah
- אברהם = Abraham
- שייך = belongs (masc.,sing.)
- שייכת = belongs (fem, sing)
Duolingo Lesson: www.duolingo.com/skill/he/Possessives-1